Observation Alerts
Axon can send email alerts about items of interest. The Observation Alert Settings page is where you can subscribe to alerts about analytics Observations that are generated in the environment.
To open the Observation Alert Settings page, click the bell icon in the top-right corner of the Dashboard.
Observation Alert Settings
You can subscribe to receive alerts via email each time an observation is triggered as a result of an Analytics Rule firing.
Emails are sent to the address associated with your user account. For more information, see Manage User Profile.
To subscribe to analytics rule alerts:
Click the bell icon at the top-right corner of the Dashboard.
The Observation Alert Settings page opens. The number of rules to which you've already subscribed for email alerts displays.- Click View All Rules.
The Analytics Rules Alerts panel opens. All currently enabled Rules display in the list. Check the Email box for each rule to which you'd like to subscribe.
To unsubscribe from email alerts for a rule, uncheck the Email box.
(Optional.) Click the three-dot menu to the left of a rule and choose one of the following options, which can be used to determine whether or not you wish to subscribe to alerts for the selected rule:
Option Description Details Click to open a pop-up containing the rule's details, as configured using the Rule Builder. Show Output Click to run a Search using the rule's parameters. - Click the X at the top-right of the Analytics Rules Alerts panel to save your changes.
Email alerts for the selected rules are successfully configured.