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Disable and Reactivate User Accounts

Only Administrators can take these actions.

Disable a User Account

  1. In the lower-left corner of the main screen, click the Administration cog icon.
    The Administration menu appears on the left side. By default, the Users page appears showing the list of users in alphabetical order.
  2. Click the user display name for the user account you want to disable.
    The user account page appears.
  3. On the upper-right side of the screen, click Actions, and then click Disable Account.
    A confirmation dialog box appears requiring you to complete the action or cancel the action.
  4. To disable the account, click Yes, Disable.
    The user account is disabled.

    The disabled user is automatically logged out and cannot log in until their account is reactivated.

Reactivate a User Account

  1. In the lower-left corner of the main screen, click the Administration cog icon.
    The Administration menu appears on the left side. By default, the Users page appears showing the list of users in alphabetical order.
  2. Click the user display name for the user account you want to disable.
    The user account page appears.
  3. On the upper-right side of the screen, click Actions, and then click Enable Account.
    A confirmation dialog box appears requiring you to complete the action or cancel the action.
  4. To reactivate the account, click Yes, Enable.
    The user account is reactivated.

    The reactivated user can log in with previously existing role permissions.

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