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Work with the GSuite Beat

Start the Beat

When the beat configuration is saved, the beat is also started. To monitor the beat, run the following command:

./lrctl gsbeat logs

Modify the GSuite Beat Configuration File

If you need to change the credentials for the configuration file:

  1. Run the following command:

    ./lrctl gsbeat config edit

  2. Follow all steps in the Authorize the Application section again.

After you've re-added the credentials, restart the Beat with the following command:

./lrctl gsbeat restart

Upgrade the Beat

To upgrade the gsbeat to latest version , run below command.

./lrctl gsbeat restart

This will automatically apply migration to the gsbeat.

Troubleshoot the Beat

  • To help determine what the issue is, export gsbeat logs using following command:

./lrctl gsbeat troubleshoot export --outfile <output file name>

This outputs a .tar.gz file.

  • Token Logs - In gsbeat, if we configure Token application to collect logs from portal then we will get token generation/refresh
    token logs along with activity logs for each api call (Which depends on Period, by default it is set to 10 Sec) from our gsbeat to portal.

Below is the sample log for token generation/refresh token.


If you do not want to listen these logs in your gsbeat then, simply do not include token in application list in yaml file.

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