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NewScale Configuration for Exabeam Case Beat

This section outlines the configuration steps required to create API keys on the Exabeam NewScale dashboard, which will be used to configure the Exabeam Case beat to fetch data.


  • The logged-in NewScale user must have the permissions required to create API keys on the NewScale dashboard.

Generate API Keys in NewScale

To generate API keys, from the NewScale web dashboard:

  1. Click on the Settings gear located at the lower-right hand corner of the screen.
    The Main Menu screen opens.

  2. In the Developer section, click on API keys.

  3. Click + New Keys.
    The API Keys dialog box opens.

  4. Enter the following details:

    1. Key Name: Give a unique identifying name to the key.

    2. Permissions: Open the Permissions drop-down and select Threat Center.

  5. Click Create to generate the API key.

  6. Copy the Key ID and Key Secret to a secure location, as they will be needed for the next section.

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