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Cryptography Key Generation

This feature allows users to add cryptographic keys (16, 32, or 64 characters). This will augment the encryption of sensitive information required for some beats.

Feature Commands 

Main Command :

  •  cipherkey


  • Add –  Used to add the cipher key.
  • Edit – Used to edit the existing cipher key.
  • View – Used to view the existing cipher key.
  • Remove –  Used to remove the cipher key.

Sub-command Uses


  1. To Add the cipher key, run the following command:

    ./lrctl cipherkey add
  2. Enter your cipher key.

    The cipher key must be 16, 32 or 64 characters long.

After entering your cipher key, you can see it was successfully added:


  1. To edit an existing cipher key, run the following command:

    ./lrctl cipherkey edit
  2. Enter your new cipher key.

    The cipher key must be 16, 32 or 64 characters long.

After entering your new cipher key, you can see it was successfully updated:


  1. To view the cipher key, run the following command:

    ./lrctl cipherkey view

    You can see the cipher key added (or edited) in previous step:


  1. To remove the cipher key, run the following command:

    ./lrctl cipherkey remove
  2. Enter y to continue removing the cipher key.

You can see the cipher key was successfully removed.

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