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Run Linux System Monitor with Non-Root Privileges

This section refers to all Linux agents using RPM to install the Agent, including 32-bit and 64-bit platforms for the following installations:

  • Red Hat
  • CentOS
  • Debian
  • Fedora
  • SUSE

When running with non-root privileges, you cannot use the upgrade command for Linux 2.4 and 2.6.

To run the Linux agents with non-root privileges:

  1. Install agent using rpm -ivh <Linux RPM file> or rpm -i < Linux RPM file>.
  2. Create non-root user with login privileges, if necessary.
  3. As root, update the LR_RUNAS_USER from root to non-root user and save in /etc/init.d/scsm.
  4. Add the following to the PATH environment variable (in user's shell or in the scsm script):

    Linux: /sbin
    export PATH

  5. Non-root user can run scsm service using the following:

    • Start: /etc/init.d/scsm start or service scsm start
    • Stop: /etc/init.d/scsm stop or service scsm stop
  6. If you want to run syslog server as non-root, the port must be changed from the default (514 UDP/TCP) to one that is greater than 1024. Ports lower than 1024 are reserved and only root can access them. If the Agent is run as non-root and the port is less than 1024, warn in scsm.log and syslog that the syslog server will not run unless the port is greater than 1024.

    Some devices that send syslog may not have a configurable port. If they do not allow the destination port to be configured then this solution will not work without some other configuration changes.
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