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Silently Install a System Monitor on Windows

The following table summarizes the available installation options.


If ADDLOCAL is not used:

For a fresh install, only the System Monitor will be installed.


Install or Modify System Monitor


Install in non-default location

For new installations only.


Install in non-default location

For new installations only.

Add host to scsm.ini file.

Default equals CHANGE_THIS

For new installations only.

Add server port to scsm.ini file.

Default equals 443.

For new installations only.

Add client address to scsm.ini file.

Default equals 0.

For new installations only.

Add client port to scsm.ini file.

Default equals 0.

For new installations only.

Perform a Silent Installation

To perform a silent installation follow the directions below, replacing LRSystemMonitor.exe with the appropriate file name for your installation package:

Upgrades are not available at this time.

All command line instructions must be run with elevated privileges.

To perform a fresh install of the System Monitor:

LRSystemMonitor.exe /S /v/qn ADDLOCAL=ALL

LRSystemMonitor.exe /S /v/qn 

To perform a fresh install of the System Monitor to a non-default location:

LRSystemMonitor.exe /S /v/qn ADDLOCAL=ALL INSTALLDIR=\"D:\Install Test\"

To perform a fresh install of the System Monitor and create a custom log file in a custom location:

LRSystemMonitor.exe /S /v/qn /l*vx \"D:\Location Test\Agent_install.log\"

LRSystemMonitor.exe /S /v/qn /l*vx \"D:\Location Test\Agent_install.log\" ADDLOCAL=ALL

To perform an uninstall of a 32-bit agent:

msiexec.exe /x {E8DDB57F-B307-4EA7-9A63-E6ADF823025A} /qn

To perform an uninstall of a 64-bit agent:

msiexec.exe /x {9C06CB27-1BCE-4CAC-91B8-26BD80150A3E} /qn

This string may be msiexec.exe /x {C985CA75-0490-4C69-858B-F773E16EEC15} when uninstalling versions earlier than

To perform a fresh install of the System Monitor only specifying LCM properties:

LRSystemMonitor.exe /s /v" /qn ADDLOCAL=System_Monitor HOST= SERVERPORT=999 CLIENTADDRESS=2 CLIENTPORT=1234"

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