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Download a SysMon Update Package

Before loading the package into the LogRhythm Client Console, you must first download the appropriate package for your site platform.

  1. Log in to the LogRhythm Community.

    If this is your first time, you must complete the registration process.
  2. In the ribbon at the top of the page, click Documentation & Downloads, and then click the SysMon tab.
  3. Click the version for which you want to download the System Monitor installer.
  4. Click the link for the System Monitor package you want to download.
  5. When the Save As dialog box appears, browse to a directory accessible by the Platform Manager, and then click Save.

    For Linux packages, you must unzip the archive and load one of the individual tar.gz packages in the Client Console. You cannot load the full zip file for updating Linux System Monitors.
  6. For operating systems other than Windows, download the additional instructions and follow them before completing the remaining procedures in this section.
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