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Skip table of contents System Monitor April 2023 Release Notes

Release Details

Software ComponentSystem Monitor (SysMon)
Version Number (Windows) (*NIX)


LogRhythm 7.12.0 GA

LogRhythm 7.11.0 GA

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 or higher

LogRhythm System Monitor Agents for Windows require the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 or higher. 

New Features

  • Linux System Monitor Agents are now completely supported on Oracle 8 and 9.


No new improvements in this release.

Deprecated Features

LogRhythm has deprecated Check Point collection via OPSEC LEA in favor of the newer Check Point Log Exporter. Support for OPSEC LEA was removed starting with LogRhythm System Monitor Collector version and results in an error in the scsm.log file if this collection method is used. Customers who need to use OPSEC LEA for collection should not upgrade agents past System Monitor release.  For information on how to configure Check Point Log exporter, see Syslog - Check Point Log Exporter device configuration guide.

Resolved Issues

Bug ID

Found in Version

Release Notes



7.6.0, 7.10.0The Linux Agent no longer fails to start in certain situations after booting on Red Hat Enterprise.


(DE16695) log sources no longer fail to capture logs in certain situations.




7.9Windows agents no longer stop sending beats/logs after a Mediator reconnection.
ENG-238507.10.0.8002Installing System Monitor on AIX no longer results in an incorrect build number displaying.
ENG-239597.10.0.8002AIX builds of System Monitor no longer produce errors in the scsm.log file when File Integrity Monitoring (FIM) is enabled.
ENG-265907.9.0.8003Linux Agents no longer produce unusual error messages in the system log file after an upgrade.
ENG-277477.10System Monitor agents no longer send invalid values to LogRhythm Axon, which had resulted in invalid log sources.

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