This section describes how to view metadata indexing statistics. NetMon creates a new index once a day (when UTC time rolls over to the next 24-hour period). It keeps creating index entries until it reaches the maximum space limit, which may be a few days or upwards of 30 days, depending on your system. LogRhythm Support can determine which fields are included in the index and can use the field-mapping information to troubleshoot issues.
When the storage space exceeds 85%, it purges old indexes until its space is below 85%.
Open the NetMon Web Management interface.
On the top navigation bar, click Configuration, and then click the Metadata tab. The Metadata page appears. The table shows metadata entries for upgrade history and indexes. The table also shows the corresponding number of records and size for each entry. You can filter the contents of the table using the Filter box in the Index, Record Count, or Size column.
To delete one of the listed indexes, click the Delete icon in the index row. You need to confirm your choice.
You can view the NetMon upgrade history on the Configuration > Upgrade tab.
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