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Select a NetMon License.

If NetMon starts without a valid license, or if a time-limited license expires, the Web Management interface displays the Network Monitor License page.
To select and upload a license for NetMon, follow the steps below:

  1. Under the NetMon option, click Select.

Commercial customers or customers evaluating the full edition of NetMon should not select the NetMon Freemium option. This is a limited version of NetMon and could result in data loss.

  1. When prompted, click Confirm to confirm your selection.
    The NetMon license agreement appears.

  2. Read through the license agreement, select the check box to confirm that you have read and accept the terms of the agreement, and then click Confirm.
    You are prompted to upload your NetMon license.

  3. Either drag your .lic file into the installer window or click Upload your Network Monitor License, locate and select the license file from LogRhythm Support, and then click Open to begin the upload.
    After the license file is uploaded, the system restarts.

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