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Pause Log Collection

This section describes how to pause log collection, which can be useful for analysts who need to parse the log collection stream in real time. By default, log collection is turned on for all log processing components.

  1. Open the NetMon Web Management interface.
  2. On the top navigation bar, click Logs.
  3. Click one of the log tabs.
    For a description of each log, see View Log Data.
  4. To pause log collection, click the pause button.
    The pause button toggles to a play button.
  5. To restart log collection, click the play button.

    If log collection is paused for less than one minute, all logs that were not collected during that time are displayed when log collection restarts. If log collection is paused for more than one minute, only the most recent 25 logs are displayed when log collection restarts.
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