LogRhythm Enterprise Metadata Naming Conventions
The metadata fields follow these naming conventions:
- Acronyms: All capitals are used for acronyms, which include ID, KB, NT, NAS, IP, URL, IO, IMEI/IMSI, and RTT.
- Short names: Pascal case is used for compound words in the short names for user-interface grids (for example, "DestBytes" and "DestIP").
- Long names: Each word is capitalized, spelled out (if not an acronym), and separated by a space in long names for reports (for example, "Destination Bytes" and "Destination IP").
- Word order: The most general word is used at the beginning, followed by the most specific descriptor. For example:
- Fields for Destination have "Dest" at the beginning. For example: "DestBytes."
- Fields for Source have "Src" at the beginning. For example: "SrcBytes."
- Fields for Total have "Total" at the beginning. For example: "TotalBytes."
Abbreviations: Some common words are abbreviated as follows:
Abbreviation Meaning Addr.
Address Auth.
Authentication App. Application Dest. Destination ID. Identifier IP. Internet Protocol Msg. Message Num. Number Param. Parameter Pkt. Packet Proto. Protocol Rcv. Receive Rcvd. Received Rcvr. Receiver Src. Source