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Define the NTP Server in NetMon

The NetMon 5.0.0 initial release requires time configuration to be done from the command line. For more information, refer to Configure Time Sync and Time Zone.

After you perform a new installation of NetMon, you must define an IP address for the Network Time Protocol (NTP) server used in your network to ensure that the timestamps in NetMon charts are accurate.

If you do not define an NTP Server, the displayed time values will likely be out of sync with your web browser. Events and log data will appear to have occurred in the past or even the future, and it will be difficult to ascertain the exact time a network event has occurred.

  1. Open the NetMon Web Management interface.

  2. On the top navigation bar, click Configuration, and then click the Time tab.

  3. In the Primary NTP Server field, type the IP address of the main NTP server used in your network.
    The default NTP configuration for Rocky Linux is to use the following pool:


If the NetMon management interface does not have internet access or if you want to use a local NTP server, enter the address for that local server in this field.

  1. In the Backup NTP Server field, enter the IP address for the backup NTP server (if used).

  2. Click Apply Changes.

After defining and syncing with an NTP server, it can take several minutes for data to appear on NetMon dashboards.

In some environments, the default public NTP services are blocked, and you must use a valid internal NTP service.

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