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Classify Custom Networks

You can classify custom networks on the packet side or the flow side. This example shows how a custom network is defined. After the network is defined, the DPA rule can use logic that depends on whether or not the traffic belongs to that network. In this instance, a log message is printed only if any end sessions that were on the defined local network are discovered.

function Flow_ClassifyCustomNetworkTraffic (dpiMsg, ruleEngine)
  require 'LOG'
  require 'IPv4LanDefine'
  if (ipRange == nil) then
    ipRange = IPv4LanDefine:new('', '')
  if IsFinalLongFlow(dpiMsg) or IsFinalShortFlow(dpiMsg) then
    local destip = GetDstIP4Int(dpiMsg)
    local srcip = GetSrcIP4Int(dpiMsg)
    if (ipRange:IsInLan(destip) or ipRange:IsInLan(srcip)) then
      EZINFO("Local network traffic found, srcip: " .. GetSrcIP4String(dpiMsg) .. ", dstip: " .. GetDstIP4String(dpiMsg))
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