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Change Network Parameters

This section describes how you can adjust the connection parameters for communication between the NetMon appliance and the Web Management interface.

  1. Open the NetMon Web Management interface.
  2. On the top navigation bar, click Configuration, and then click the Network tab.
  3. Change any of the parameters in the Interface Selection and Management Interface IP Address Settings sections, as described in the following table.

    Network Configuration
    Interface Selection

    Management Interface

    Select the management interface from the list. Note that changing this from the default may require changes to your hardware configuration. This interface appears in the table with the following icon:

    All recognized interfaces with data received and IP addresses appear in the table. Select the Capture check box next to any interfaces you want to capture.

    For more information about network interfaces, see Install NetMon Appliance Hardware.

    Management Interface Uses Static IP

    Changes the IP configuration method for the NetMon appliance from DHCP (default) to Static IP. Select the check box to enable Static IP. For Static IP configuration instructions, see Determine the IP Address and Launch NetMon.

    If you change the static IP address, the Web Management interface disconnects. You then need to reconnect to NetMon using the newly configured IP address.
    Management Interface IP Address (if Static IP is enabled)Enter your Static IP address.
    Management Netmask (if Static IP is enabled)Manually configure the netmask for the management interface.
    Management Gateway (if Static IP is enabled)Manually configure the gateway for the management interface.
    Recovery Interface

    Select the recovery interface from the list. This interface appears in the table with the following icon:

    Changing this from the default may require changes to your hardware configuration.

    Use High Throughput

    Select to capture high throughput for a single interface. You cannot select this option if you have more than one interface selected for capture or if you have the management or recovery interface selected for capture.

    After selecting this option and applying the changes, you must manually reboot NetMon.

    Select this check box to accept NetMon traffic from a Generic Route Encapsulation (GRE) tunnel. This allows integration and deployment of NetMon without requiring a dedicated, free physical port.

    Enabling this option sends all GRE traffic to NetMon's management interface, disabling other interface selection options. To re-enable interface selection and routes traffic, turn off GRE.

    GRE configures a packet broker to send traffic to NetMon via a GRE tunnel. Some GRE packet brokers allow configuration of an optional key parameter. Do not enable this option when sending GRE traffic, as it is not supported by NetMon.
    GRE Remote IP Address (if GRE is enabled)

    Enter the IP address of the endpoint for your GRE tunnel.

    The GRE remote IP address should be a fixed, static IP address. Similarly, NetMon’s management interface IP address must also be static.

    Hostname Settings


    Displays the host name of your NetMon instance.

    Only certain parameters are allowed in a host name, and changing the host name requires a reboot of your NetMon. For more information, see Change Hostname.
  4. (Optional) To designate a capture interface that is not specified within NetMon's available configuration options, enable Manual Network Configuration. For more information, see Update the Management or Recovery Network Interface.

    This is an advanced setting that could cause terminal issues within NetMon if incorrectly configured. Proceed with caution.
  5. When you are done making changes, click Apply Changes.
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