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Networks Page

To access the Networks page:

  1. Log in to LogRhythm NDR's new UI.
  2. Click Networks from the sidebar menu.
    The Highlighted Networks page appears.
  3. Click the All Networks tab.
    The All Networks page appears featuring the list of all the networks available.
    A table with network details such as Timestamp, Network, Details, Subnet Mask, Score, Status, Critical, Watched, and Settings is displayed.
  4. Click the column headers in the table to sort the table entries in ascending/descending order.

  5. To add a new network, click Add Network.
  6. To delete a network/bulk delete networks, select the required networks by clicking the checkboxes available next to each entry.
    The user can choose to select all the available networks by clicking the Select all option and deleting those entries.
  7. Click the Delete icon.
    A prompt with a list of selected entries to be deleted is displayed.
  8. Click Yes.
    The "Network was removed from the list" message appears.
  9. To export the network details, click the Export icon.

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