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Bulk Whitelists

When a user adds a whitelist rule on a case or incident, the following occurs:

  • That case or incident is whitelisted. The whitelisted field is set to true (whitelisted:true) in case and incident. The whitelisted field is set to true (whitelisted:true) in the cases's or incident's MainEvent.
  • Any forthcoming events (scored-events) matching the whitelist rule do not become an IOA or case-event.
  • Existing cases and incidents are reviewed, and any that match the whitelist rule are whitelisted.

Use Case #1

If a case or incident does not have all its IOAs whitelisted (whitelisted:true), then that case or incident will not be whitelisted. In the following case, all the IOAs associated with this incident are whitelisted and hence the incident is whitelisted

Use Case #2

In this case, the incident does not have all its IOAs whitelisted and hence this incident will not be whitelisted. 

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