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Troubleshoot the TrueIdentity Sync Client

This section contains information about common errors encountered with the TrueIdentity Sync Client, and how to troubleshoot them.

Failed to Load Config

If a TrueIdentity Sync Job appears on the home page with the status "Failed to Load Config," click the settings icon next to the job, and then click Repair Sync

Failed connection test: LDAP Result Code 200 "Network Error"

Ensure that you have specified a valid hostname for your Active Directory server, and that the computer where the TrueIdentity Sync Client is installed can connect to the domain controller.

Failed connection test: LDAP Result Code 49 "Invalid Credentials"

Ensure that you have entered the username and password correctly, and ensure that the account has sufficient privileges to connect to the domain controller.

API Gateway Connection: "no such host" or EOF

Enter the API Gateway URL in a browser. The browser should return a JSON file that lists the APIs that are running on the API Gateway.

If this JSON is not returned, ensure that the LogRhythm API Gateway service is running on the Platform Manager, and that you can access the Platform Manager over the specified port from the TrueIdentity Sync Client computer. If the JSON is returned, but "lr-admin-api" is not included, ensure that the LogRhythm Admin API service is running on the Platform Manager.

API Gateway Connection: statusCode 401, Unauthorized

Ensure the following:

  • You copied and pasted the API token correctly from the Client Console
  • The LogRhythm Authentication API is running on the Platform Manager
  • The API token was generated by a user that has access to TrueIdentity Management.

TLS Handshake Error

Ensure that certificates are installed correctly, as noted earlier.

If necessary, you can enable the Skip TLS Verification option to temporarily unblock these connection issues. This may be helpful during initial configuration for troubleshooting purposes, but is not recommended once you are ready to save the configuration.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.