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Used only for subrules, and are invisible to the end user.

Data Type




Client Console Full Name

Not applicable

Client Console Short Name

Not applicable

Web Console Tab/Name

Not applicable

Elasticsearch Field Name

Not applicable

Rule Builder Column Name

Tag1, Tag2, Tag3, Tag4, Tag5

Regex Pattern

<tag1>, <tag2>, <tag3>, <tag4>, <tag5>

NetMon Name

Not applicable

Field Relationships

Any field you do not use to create subrules—for example, command.

Common Applications

Not applicable.

Use Case

Creating subrules not based on VMID, ThreatID, or Severity.

MPE/Data Masking Manipulations

They are invisible outside of MPE Rule Builder.

Usage Standards

If you want to create a subrule of a value not captured into VMID, ThreatID, or Severity, a tag must be nested within the existing metatag.


These tags can be used in a wide variety of situations. Because these fields do not appear as parsed fields outside of the rule builder, refer to the usage standards to determine when to use these fields. 

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