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Review Computers with Windows Host Wizard

All computers that are available to collect Windows event logs appear in the Active Directory Computers tab of the Windows Host Wizard. To prepare the computers for acceptance into your LogRhythm deployment:

  1. On the main toolbar, click Deployment Manager.
  2. On the Tools menu, click Administration, and then click Windows Host Wizard.
    The Windows Host Wizard appears.
  3. On the Active Directory Computers tab, use the New, Rejected, Active, or Retired tabs at the bottom to view the computers and their details.
    • New. Computers with Event Logs that:
      • Are not currently being collected by LogRhythm.
      • Have not been retired in the deployment.
      • Have not been rejected within the Host Wizard.
    • Rejected. Computers that you or another user have chosen not to collect with LogRhythm.
    • Active. Computers with Event Logs currently being collected by LogRhythm.
    • Retired. Computers with Event Logs that, at one point, were being collected by LogRhythm, but are now retired within the deployment.
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