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Domain (Origin) [7.4]

The Windows or DNS domain name from which the activity reported in the log originates.

This field is not available in LogRhythm versions earlier than 7.4.0.

Data Type




Client Console Full Name

Domain (Origin)

Client Console Short Name

Not applicable

Web Console Tab/Name

Domain (Origin)

Elasticsearch Field Name


Rule Builder Column Name


Regex Pattern


NetMon Name

Not applicable

Field Relationships

  • SIP
  • SIPv4
  • SIPv6
  • SIPv6E
  • Origin Hostname
  • Origin Hostname or IP
  • Origin NAT IP
  • DIP
  • DIPv4
  • DIPv6
  • DIPv6E
  • Impacted Hostname
  • Impacted Hostname or IP
  • Impacted NAT IP
  • Origin Port
  • Origin NAT Port
  • Impacted Port
  • Impacted NAT Port
  • Origin MAC Address
  • Impacted MAC Address
  • Origin Interface
  • Impacted Interface
  • Origin Domain
  • Origin Login
  • Impacted Account
  • IANA Protocol Number
  • IANA Protocol Name

Common Applications

  • WebProxy
  • Network monitoring
  • Active Directory
  • SSO

Use Case

Correlating user activity across domains.

MPE/Data Masking Manipulations

Not applicable.

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