Configure Completed Reports Widgets
To change the title of a Completed Reports widget or filter the reports that appear:
- On the top navigation bar, click Reports.
- Hover your mouse over the widget and click the Settings icon. A blue border appears around the widget and the Inspector panel opens on the right. A blue border appears around the widget and the Inspector panel opens on the right.
- In the Inspector panel, do any of the following:
- Click in the Title field and type a new title.
- In the Filtration area, select a time range for displayed reports (the default time range is In the last 45 days).
- Click the uppermost list.
The Select Timeframe dialog box appears. - Do one of the following:
- From the Last tab, click in the Last text field and type a number value, then click the list on the right to select a time unit (months, days, hours, or minutes).
- From the From ... To tab, click the Select a date range list and select Before, Between, or After, then use the calendar pickers as needed to select dates.
- Click the uppermost list.
- In the Filtration area, select data values for filtering displayed reports.
- Click the list that displays either All of the following or Any of the following and change the selection as needed.
- Click + Filter.
Lists for building Boolean statements appear. - From the Please Select list, select the filter type that you want to apply.
- From the list to the right of the Please Select list, choose one of the following: contains, is, or is not.
- From the blank list, select a filter value.
- To add an additional filter, click + Filter again and use the lists to configure another filter.
Repeat this step until all the filters you need are in place.
- When you are finished configuring the widget, click Apply.