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Add Files to a Case

Files of any format, including audio and video, that are 1GB or less in size can be uploaded and added to cases as evidence. After a file is uploaded, it can be downloaded from the Evidence tab by all users involved in the case.

Uploaded files are stored in the Case Management Database (CMDB). If you try to upload a file that exceeds the available space in the CMDB, the upload automatically cancels and you receive an error message indicating that additional space needs to be allocated to the database before the file can be uploaded.

To add a file to a case:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Add a file in the Current Case panel:
      1. On the left side of the dashboard layout, click the Current Case tab.
      2. Select the appropriate case from the Current Case list.
      3. At the bottom of the Current Case panel, click Add File
        The Add File to Case dialog box appears.
    • Add a file on the Cases page:
      1. On the navigation bar, click Cases
      2. Scroll through the cases as necessary until you locate the case to which you want to add the file.
      3. Click the case name.
        The Case Details view opens.
      4. Click Add File below the Evidence and History panes.
        The Add File to Case dialog box appears.
  2. In the Add File to Case dialog box, click Choose File.
  3. In the Open dialog box, locate the file that you want to add and double-click it.
    In the Add File to Case dialog box, an attachment field with the selected file's name, format type, and size replaces the Choose File button. If the file exceeds the 1GB size limit, an error message displays and the upload is canceled.
  4. Verify that you selected the correct file. 
    If you selected the wrong file, click the X icon to the right of the file attachment field and repeat step 3.
  5. (Optional) In the Description field, type a description for the file.
  6. Click Upload.

The Add File to Case dialog box indicates that the file is uploading. A blue bar in the file attachment field displays the upload progress.

During the upload process, you cannot perform any additional tasks on the Web Console. If you want to cancel the upload, click Cancel or one of the X icons in the dialog box. If you click to cancel the upload, a dialog box appears asking you to confirm the cancellation. After an upload is canceled, any data that was uploaded prior to cancellation is cleared from the CMDB.

When the upload is complete, the Add File to Case dialog box indicates that the upload was successful and a green check appears in the attachment field.

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