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Use the AI Engine Local Configuration Manager

 Use the AI Engine Local Configuration Manager on the appliance or server where the AI Engine components are installed to configure the connection to the Platform Manager, manage file locations for HA deployments, configure service properties, or view log files. The AI Engine Local Configuration Manager makes changes to the LRAIEEngine.ini file located in the C:\Program Files\LogRhythm\LogRhythm AI Engine\config\LRAIEEngine.ini directory. Most variables can be changed within the Local Configuration Manager.

If you need to change the AI Engine QueryTimeout value, you need to manually edit the LRAIEEngine.ini file. You can change the QueryTimeout to be a value between 5 and 300 (default 120) seconds.

  1. From your machine's Start menu or the Apps screen, start the configuration manager.

    The AI Engine Local Configuration Manager appears with the General tab selected.

  2. Configure the following parameters:
    1. In the Server box, enter the static IP address of the Platform Manager Server.

    2. Select other settings as needed and enter the user credentials. 
      The default User ID is LogRhythmAIE.
    3. To test the connection between the AIE Engine and the Platform Manager, click Test Connection.
    4. If you have a High Availability (HA) deployment, you can modify
      • Configuration File Parent Directory
      • State File Parent Directory
      • Data File Parent Directory

        Ensure you understand the impacts before making changes.

    5. Click Apply.
  3. Click the Windows Service tab.
  4. In both the LogRhythm AI Engine section and the LogRhythm AI Engine Communication Manager section, configure the following parameters:
    1. Select a Startup Type:
      • Automatic
      • Manual (default)
    2. Select a Log On:
      • Local System Account (default)
      • This Account / Password: Enter the account and password information.
    3. To Start the services, click Start.
    4. Select Start (or restart) the service when the configuration is saved if you want the service to start after you save these changes.
  5. Click the AI Engine Log File tab.
  6. To see the log file that is being collected, click Refresh. Logs only appear if the service has started.
  7. To exit the Local Configuration Manager, click OK.

This item appears in Add or Remove Programs:

  • LogRhythm Advanced Intelligence (AI) Engine

These services are listed in Windows Services with a startup type value of Manual:

  • LogRhythm AI Engine
  • LogRhythm AI Engine Communication Manager
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