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Transfer AIE RBP Calculator Values to a LogRhythm Deployment

Values from the RBP Calculator are transferred to your LogRhythm deployment manually. To manually transfer the AIE Rule settings to your LogRhythm deployment

  1. In the Client Console, click Deployment Manager, and then click AI Engine.

  2. Select the Action check box of the AIE Rule you want to modify, right-click the rule, and then click Properties.
    The AI Engine Rule Wizard appears.

  3. At the bottom of the window, click the Settings tab.
  4. Modify the Risk Rating and the False Positive Probability to reflect the values in the RBP Calculator.

  5. Click OK.

  6. At the top of the AI Engine window, click Restart AI Engine Servers.

Subsequent Events generated by the AIE Rule for the same Hosts will compute the same RBP as the RBP Calculator.

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