Set Up Remote Log Collection
Only Global Admins and Restricted Admins with elevated View and Manage privileges can take this action.
- Establish domain authentication credentials to use for accessing logs.
- Ensure the Agent service is set to run under the proper credentials. For more information, see Work With System Monitor Agents.
- Log in to the Client Console using administrator credentials.
- On the main toolbar, click Deployment Manager.
- Do one of the following:
- Use the Windows Host Wizard to add the host, agent, and log source records in an automated fashion.
- Manually create the appropriate records and configure settings:
- Create a host record for the system. For more information, see Host Records.
- Establish a Log Processing (MPE) Policy to apply to the logs, or use a provided default.
- Add a Log Message Source to the host's System Monitor Agent. For more information, see Log Sources.
- Configure the host's local System Monitor Agent to collect the logs.
- Configure the message source. For more information, see Add a Single Log Source.
- Repeat the preceding steps for each local log source to be collected (for example, Windows Application Event Log and Windows System Event Log).