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Pin Important Evidence

To make the most important case evidence more visible and easier to access, you can pin evidence items to the top of the Evidence Locker. Pinned evidence is not private. When you pin a piece of evidence, the evidence is pinned for all users attached to the case. You can view pinned evidence from both the Current Case panel and Case Details view, where you can also add and remove pinned evidence if you have the permission level to do so.

To pin evidence:

  1. In the Current Case panel or Case Details view, hover your cursor over the piece of evidence that you want to pin. For more information, see Open the Case Details View and Work with the Current Case Panel
    A Configuration icon appears on the right.
  2. Click the Configuration icon.
    Pin and Delete icons appear to the left of the Configuration icon.
  3. Click the Pin icon.

The item appears in the Pinned Evidence section at the top of the Evidence Locker.

The Pinned Evidence section appears only when there is pinned evidence.

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