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Configure the Threat Intelligence Service Whitelist

The LogRhythm Threat Intelligence Service includes a whitelist configuration file that filters out trusted IP addresses and IP ranges.

To add trusted IP addresses and ranges to the whitelist configuration file:

  1. Go to the file path specified in the Threat Intelligence Service configuration. The default path is C:\Program Files\LogRhythm\LogRhythm Threat Intelligence Service\config\. For more information about configuring the Threat Intelligence Service connection, see Configure the Connection to LogRhythm.
  2. Open the whitelist.json file in a text editor (e.g., Notepad) to add IP addresses or ranges to the whitelist.
  3. To add single IP addresses to the whitelist, type the following after "WLIPAddresses": [:
    Address": "xx.xx.xx.xx"
    where "xx.xx.xx.xx" is the trusted IP address.
  4. To add a range of IP addresses to the whitelist, type the following after "WLIPRanges": [:
    Range": "xx.xx.xx.xx -"
    where "xx.xx.xx.xx -" is the trusted IP range.
  5. Save the whitelist.json file.
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