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Change Share Permissions on a Saved Investigation

  1. On the main toolbar, click Investigate.
  2. Select Select Saved.
    The saved Investigations are listed
  3. Select the Investigation you want and click Next.
  4. Continue clicking Next through the Investigator Wizard, until you reach the Save Investigation Configuration screen.
  5. Change the permissions using the Read Access and Write Access controls.
    The tables below explain the options for each user type and the selections available.
    • User Type Read Access

      User TypeRead Access Rights
      Global Administrator
      • Public Global Administrator
      • Public Global Analyst
      • Public Restricted Admin
      • Public Restricted Analyst
      • Public All Users Private
      Global Analyst
      • Public Global Analyst
      • Public Restricted Admin
      • Public Restricted Analyst
      • Public All Users
      • Private
      Restricted Administrator
      • Public Restricted Admin
      • Public Restricted Analyst
      • Private
      Restricted Analyst
      • Public Restricted Analyst
      • Private
    • User Type Write Access

      User TypeRead Access Rights
      Public All Users
      • Private
      • Public All Users
      • Public Global Administrator
      • Public Global Analyst
      • Public Restricted Admin
      • Public Restricted Analyst
      • Private
      • Public Global Administrator
      Public Global Administrator
      • Private
      • Public Global Administrator
      Public Global Analyst
      • Private
      • Public Global Administrator
      • Public Global Analyst
      Public Restricted Admin
      • Private
      • Public Global Administrator
      • Public Global Analyst
      • Public Restricted Admin
      Public Restricted Analyst
      • Private
      • Public Global Administrator
      • Public Global Analyst
      • Public Restricted Admin
      • Public Restricted Analyst
  6. Click Save.
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