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Case Owners vs. Collaborators

Case Owners

Case owners have full administrative control over their cases. In addition to being able to add, edit, and remove their own evidence, notes, and tags, case owners can edit and remove evidence, notes, and tags added by case collaborators. Case owners are also the only users who can perform the following case-related tasks:

  • Changing case status
  • Editing case names, priorities, due dates, and summaries
  • Assigning and removing case collaborators

Cases cannot have more than one owner at a time. When a case is created, it is owned by the user who created it until ownership is assigned to another user. When ownership is transferred to another user, the case privileges of the previous owner are immediately reduced to that of a case collaborator. A former owner remains a collaborator unless the new owner removes him or her from the case. No user can remove himself or herself from a case.


A case collaborator is a user who is assigned to a case. A Global Administrator, Global Analyst, or Restricted Administrators with elevated privileges can become a case collaborator if the user adds himself or herself to a case or is assigned by the owner. Collaborators can view all the evidence and notes that have been attached to a case and add to them as needed. Collaborators can edit or remove any notes, or evidence that they add to a case, but they cannot edit or remove contributions made by other users. Collaborators can add tags from the tag library to a case and can remove existing tags from a case, even if they did not originally add the tag to the case.

Restricted Administrators and Restricted Analysts can only see cases in which they are a case owner or a case collaborator. Case owners can add a Restricted Administrator or a Restricted Analyst to a case as a collaborator.

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