Troubleshoot Log Distribution Services v2
If LDS v2 is not performing as expected, adjust the following settings.
- On the main toolbar, click Deployment Manager.
- Click the Data Processors tab.
- Double-click the Data Processor you want to configure.
The Data Processor Properties window appears. In the lower-left corner, click Advanced.
The Data Processor Advanced Properties window appears.Configure the values of the following components as needed:
Property Range Default Description Recommendation for Performance Improvement in LDS v2 AIE Provider: Sending FlushBatch 1000–10000
Maximum number of logs that should be batched and sent to the AI Engine Communication Manager during each socket send. 10000 Mediator: General MaxServiceMemory 512–65536 10240 Maximum memory (in MB) allowed for the Data Processor process. 20240 Mediator: LDS LDSDistributionQueueSize 1000–100000 10000 Specify the size for each log distribution receiver queue. Every receiver has its own queue. If this queue reaches maximum size, logs are dropped. However, setting queue size too high could result in excessive memory utilization.
10000 LDSDistributionThreadCount 1–100 10 Specify the number of threads to use for the log distribution receiver process. 10 LDSEngineQueueSize 1000–500000 60000 Specify the size of the primary log distribution queue. If this queue reaches maximum size, logs are dropped. However, setting queue size too high could result in excessive memory utilization.
60000 LDSEngineThreadCount 1–100 5 Specify the number of threads to use for the primary log distribution process. 5
System Monitor
- On the main toolbar, click Deployment Manager.
- Click the System Monitors tab.
- Double-click the System Monitor you want to configure.
The System Monitor Agent Properties window appears. - In the lower-left corner, click Advanced.
The Agent Advanced Properties window appears. Configure the values of the following components as needed.
Property Range Default Description Recommendation for Performance Improvement in LDS v2 General FlushBatch 1–10000
Set the number of logs to flush before throttling sends. 10000 - Click OK.