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Revert an AI Engine Server to a Previous Configuration

The Version History feature provides an easy way to apply previous configurations to an appliance.

  1. On the main toolbar, click Deployment Manager.
  2. Click the AI Engine tab.
  3. On the bottom of the grid, click the Servers tab.
  4. Right-click the grid and then click Properties.
  5. Click Advanced.
  6. Click Version History.
    The AI Engine Server Audit Version History window appears.
    The following table explains the columns in the AI Engine Server Audit Version History window.

    Column NameDescription
    Component NameThe IP Address of the component on which the changes were made.
    JSONThe JSON used to retrieve the information from the previous configuration.
    User NameThe User Name of the person who made the changes.
    Compare WithThe date and time of configuration was changed.
    Revert and ApplyA link used to revert to a previous appliance configuration.
  7. Compare the current configuration to a previous configuration before reverting back to a previous configuration.

    1. In the Compare column, click the date-and-time link of a configuration to compare the current one.
      The Compare Version Values window appears.
      The values that differ between the two configurations are highlighted. The Current Value column displays the value of the properties as they are currently configured. The Previous Value column displays the value of the properties from the previous configuration.

    2. Click OK to close the window.
  8. To revert to a previous configuration:

    1. Click the Revert & Apply this Version link of the configuration to which you want to return.
      A Warning appears.

    2. Click Yes to revert the previous configuration.
      A message appears informing you that the AI Engine must be restarted.

    3. To close the message and restart the AI Engine, click OK.
  9. To close the AI Engine Server Advanced Properties window, click OK.
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