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Import or Export Reports or Report Packages

  1. On the Tools menu, click Report, and then click Report Center.
  2. Click the Reports or Report Packages tab.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Import
      1. Select the Report you want and click Open.
      2. The Report is now available for use in the Report Center.
    • Export
      1. Select the Action check box of the Reports or Report Packages you want to export.
      2. On the File menu, click Export Report.
        The Select Export Destination dialog box appears.
      3. Browse to the location where you want to save the Report or Report Package.
      4. Click Save.
        The Report is saved with the file name extension .lrp.

        If the file name includes a colon, you must delete the colon before saving to avoid a "The file name is not valid." error message.

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