SOAP API LogQueryService, Complex Types
Complex Type: ArrayOfLogDataModel
Derived by
Restricting anyType
Content Model
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Nillable? | Description |
LogDataModel | LogDataModel | Yes | The data for a single log message and all associated metadata for that log. |
Complex Type: IPAddressDataModel
IP Address object used in alarms and log queries.
Derived by
Restricting anyType
Content Model
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Nillable? | Description |
Bytes | base64Binary | Yes | The byte length of the IP object value. |
Value | string | Yes | The IP address value. |
IsBroadcast | boolean | No | If true, this is a broadcast address. |
IsIPv4 | boolean | No | If true, this is an IPv4 address. |
IsIPv6 | boolean | No | If true, this is an IPv6 address. |
IsLinkLocal | boolean | No | If true, this is a link local address. |
IsLoopback | boolean | No | If true, this is a loopback address. |
IsNetwork | boolean | No | If true, this is a network address. |
IsPrivate | boolean | No | If true, this is private address. |
IsPublicIPv4 | boolean | No | If true, this is a public IPv4 address. |
IsResolvable | boolean | No | If true, the address is resolvable. |
Complex Type: LocationInfoDataModel
Location detail object used in alarms and log queries. Only available when GeoIP service is connected to the servers.
Derived by
Restricting anyType
Content Model
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Nillable? | Description |
CityName | string | Yes | The city name of the GeoIP location resolved for this address. |
CountryName | string | Yes | The country name of the GeoIP location resolved for this address. |
FullName | string | Yes | The full name of the GeoIP location resolved for this address. |
FullNameRegion | string | Yes | The region full name of the GeoIP location resolved for this address. |
HasCity | boolean | No | If true, the GeoIP location was able to resolve a city node. |
HasCountry | boolean | No | If true, the GeoIP location was able to resolve a country node. |
HasLatLong | boolean | No | If true, the GeoIP location was able to resolve a latitude and longitude. |
HasParentLocation | boolean | No | If true, the GeoIP location has a parent location. |
HasRegion | boolean | No | If true, the GeoIP location was able to resolve a region node. |
IsValid | boolean | No | If true, the GeoIP location has been validated. |
Latitude | double | No | The latitude of the GeoIP location resolved for this address. |
LocationID | int | No | The unique ID of the location object. |
LocationKey | string | Yes | The location abbreviation used on some displays. |
Longitude | double | No | The longitude of the GeoIP location resolved for this address. |
ParentLocationID | int | No | The unique ID of the parent location object. |
RegionName | string | Yes | The region name of the GeoIP location resolved for this address. |
Type | LocationTypeEnum | No | The location type of the GeoIP location resolved for this address. |
Complex Type: LogDataModel
The data for a single log message and all associated metadata for that log.
Derived by
Restricting anyType
Content Model
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Nillable? | Description |
Account | string | Yes | User account referenced or impacted by log activity. |
Amount | double | Yes | Amount of an item. |
Bytes | double | Yes | Amount of data sent and received from a device, system, or process. |
BytesIn | double | Yes | Number of bytes received or input from a device, system, or process. |
BytesOut | double | Yes | Number of bytes sent from a device, system, or process. |
ClassificationID | int | Yes | The unique ID of one of three major activity groups–Operations, Audit, or Security–and a more specific sub-classification. |
Command | string | Yes | The command that was executed. |
CommonEventId | int | Yes | The unique ID of the common event which determines its Classification. |
CommonEventName | string | Yes | A short, plain-language description of the log that determines its Classification. |
Count | int | Yes | The number of times the log entry occurred when aggregated with other identical log entries. |
Direction | DirectionEnum | No | The enumeration of the Direction of activity between a log's Origin and Impacted Zones. |
DirectionName | string | Yes | Direction by name of activity between a log's Origin and Impacted Zones. Values can be Internal, External, Outbound, Local, or Unknown. |
Domain | string | Yes | Windows of DNS referenced or impacted by log activity. |
Duration | double | Yes | Running time of a session, job, activity, etc. |
EntityId | int | Yes | The unique ID of the entity. |
EntityName | string | Yes | The name of the entity. |
Group | string | Yes | User group or role referenced or impacted by log activity. |
ImpactedEntityId | int | Yes | The unique ID of the Impacted Entity. |
ImpactedEntityName | string | Yes | The resolved Entity of the impacted host. |
ImpactedHostId | int | Yes | The unique ID of the Host such as a DNS name or NetBIOS impacted by the log activity. |
ImpactedInterface | string | Yes | The impacted interface number of a device or the physical port number of a switch. |
ImpactedIP | string | Yes | The IP address impacted by the log activity. |
ImpactedHostName | string | Yes | The name of the Host such as a DNS name or NetBIOS name impacted by the log activity. |
ImpactedLocation | LocationInfoDataModel | Yes | Country, region, and/or city impacted by the logged activity as derived from the GeoIP resolution. |
ImpactedLocationID | int | Yes | The unique ID of the Impacted Location object. |
ImpactedMAC | string | Yes | The host/device impacted MAC address. |
ImpactedName | string | Yes | The device name impacted. |
ImpactedNATIP | string | Yes | The IP address the Impacted IP was translated to/from via NAT device logs. |
ImpactedNATPort | int | Yes | The TCP/UDP address the Impacted IP was translated to/from via NAT device logs. |
ImpactedNetwork | NetworkDataModel | Yes | Known Network that was impacted by the log activity. |
ImpactedNetworkId | int | Yes | The unique ID for the Known Network that was impacted by the log activity. |
ImpactedPort | int | Yes | The destination/client TCP/UDP port number. |
ImpactedZone | HostZoneEnum | No | The enumeration value of the resolved Zone that was impacted by the activity - Internal, External, or DMZ. |
ImpactedZoneName | string | Yes | The name of this specific zone. |
ItemsPacketsIn | double | Yes | Items such as packets received or input from a device, system, or process. |
ItemsPacketsOut | double | Yes | Items such as packets sent or output from a device, system, or process. |
LogDate/NormalDate | dateTime | Yes | Timestamp when the log was generated or received, corrected to UTC. |
LogMessage | string | Yes | The log message generated due to the activity detected by the source. |
Login | string | Yes | User associated with the log activity. |
LogSourceHost | string | Yes | The system or device where the Log Source originates. |
LogSourceHostId | int | Yes | The unique ID of the log source host object. |
LogSourceHostName | string | Yes | The name of the log source host. |
LogSourceId | int | Yes | The unique ID of the log source. |
LogSourceName | string | Yes | A unique log originator on a specific Host. |
LogSourceType | int | Yes | Type of facility or source where the log originated. |
LogSourceTypeName | string | Yes | Type of facility or source where the log originated. |
MessageID | long | Yes | The unique ID for this log Message. |
MessageType | MessageTypeEnum | No | The Message Type that could be: Message, Log, Known Log, Event, Alarm. |
MPERuleId | int | Yes | The unique ID of the associated MPE Rule object. |
MPERuleName | string | Yes | Message Processing Engine (MPE) Rule. It identifies and normalizes a log messages and assigns it a Common Event. |
NormalDateMax | dateTime | Yes | If message is aggregated the max creation date contained in the group of logs. It can be in UTC or user-selected time zone. |
Object | string | Yes | Resource such as a file, file path, or registry key that is referenced or impacted by log activity. |
ObjectName | string | Yes | Name of the resource such as a file, file path, or registry key that is referenced or impacted by log activity. |
OriginEntityId | int | Yes | The unique ID of the Origin Entity. |
OriginEntityName | string | Yes | The resolved Entity of the origin host. |
OriginHostID | int | Yes | The unique ID of the Origin Host object. |
OriginInterface | string | Yes | The origin interface number of a device or the physical port number of a switch. |
OriginIP | string | Yes | The IP address that was the origin of the log activity. |
OriginHostName | string | Yes | The name of the Host such as a DNS name or NetBIOS name that was the origin of the log activity. |
OriginLocation | LocationInfoDataModel | Yes | Country, region, and/or city where the logged activity originated as derived from the GeoIP resolution. |
OriginLocationID | int | Yes | The unique ID of the Origin Location object. |
OriginLogin | string | Yes | User associated with the log activity. |
OriginMAC | string | Yes | The host/device origin MAC address. |
OriginName | string | Yes | The orgin of the transaction captured by the log. |
OriginNATIP | string | Yes | The IP address the Origin IP was translated to/from via NAT device logs. |
OriginNATPort | int | Yes | The TCP/UDP address the Origin IP was translated to/from via NAT device logs. |
OriginNetwork | NetworkDataModel | Yes | Known Network that was the origin of the log activity. |
OriginNetworkId | int | Yes | The unique ID of the Origin Network object. |
OriginPort | int | Yes | The source/client TCP/UDP port number. |
OriginZone | HostZoneEnum | No | The enumeration value of the resolved Zone that was the origin of the activity - Internal, External, or DMZ. |
OriginZoneName | string | Yes | The name given to this specific zone. |
Priority | int | Yes | Calculated Risk Based Priority (RBP) of the log entry. |
Process | string | Yes | Name or value that identifies a process. |
ProcessID | int | Yes | The unique ID of the process object. |
ProtocolId | int | Yes | The unique ID of the Protocol object. |
ProtocolName | string | Yes | Network protocol applicable to the log message. |
Quantity | double | Yes | The item quantity. |
Rate | double | Yes | Rate of an item. |
Recipient | string | Yes | Email address or VOIP caller number. For non-email logs, it might represent who received some form of information. |
Sender | string | Yes | Email originator or VOIP caller number. For non-email logs, it might represent who sent some form of information. |
SequenceNumber | int | Yes | The collection sequence of events obtained to generate an alarm. |
ServiceId | int | Yes | The unique ID of the Service object. |
ServiceName | string | Yes | The name of a service which transferred the recorded traffic. |
Session | string | Yes | User, system, or application session. |
Severity | string | Yes | Value indicating severity of the log. |
Size | double | Yes | Item Size. |
Subject | string | Yes | Email subject line. For other logs, it might represent the subject of some form of communicated information. |
URL | string | Yes | URL referenced or impacted by log activity. |
VendorMsgID | string | Yes | Unique, vendor-assigned value that IDs the log message. |
Version | string | Yes | Value representing the version (i.e., OS version, patch version, doc version, etc.). |
ClassificationName | string | Yes | The name of one of three major activity groups–Operations, Audit, or Security–and a more specific sub-classification. |
ClassificationTypeName | string | Yes | One of three major activity groups: Operations, Audit, or Security. |
Complex Type: LogQueryDateRangeValue
This object is used to define the scope of a date range for a log query.
Derived by
Restricting anyType
Content Model
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Nillable? | Description |
StartRangeValue | dateTime | Yes | Starting value of the date range. |
EndRangeValue | dateTime | Yes | Ending value of the date range. |
Complex Type: LogQueryFilterDataModel
The generic form of a log query filter.
Derived by
Restricting anyType
Content Model
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Nillable? | Description |
FilterType | LogQueryFilterTypeEnum | Yes | The enumeration value of the filter type. |
FilterMode | LogQueryFilterModeEnum | Yes | The enumeration value of the filter mode. |
FilterOperator | LogQueryFilterOperatorEnum | Yes | The enumeration value name of the filter operator. |
FilterValues | LogQueryFilterValueDataModel | Yes | The filter value object. |
IncludeNullValues | boolean | Yes | If true, the query will include joins where one side is null. |
Complex Type: LogQueryFilterValueBigIntegerDataModel
Derived by
Extending LogQueryFilterValueDataModel
Content Model
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Nillable? | Description |
ValueType | LogQueryFilterValueTypeEnum | Yes | The enumeration value type. |
Value | ArrayOflong | Yes | The big integer value. |
Complex Type: LogQueryFilterValueByteDataModel
Derived by
Extending LogQueryFilterValueDataModel
Content Model
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Nillable? | Description |
ValueType | LogQueryFilterValueTypeEnum | Yes | The enumeration value type. |
Value | base64Binary | Yes | The byte value. |
Complex Type: LogQueryFilterValueDataModel
The generic Log Query filter Value object.
Derived by
Restricting anyType
Content Model
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Nillable? | Description |
ValueType | LogQueryFilterValueTypeEnum | Yes | The enumeration value type. |
Referenced By
- Complex Type LogQueryFilterValueBigIntegerDataModel
- Complex Type LogQueryFilterValueByteDataModel
- Complex Type LogQueryFilterValueDateRangeDataModel
- Complex Type LogQueryFilterValueIntegerDataModel
- Complex Type LogQueryFilterValueIPAddressDataModel
- Complex Type LogQueryFilterValueIPRangeDataModel
- Complex Type LogQueryFilterValuePortRangeDataModel
- Complex Type LogQueryFilterValueQuantityDataModel
- Complex Type LogQueryFilterValueStringDataModel
- Complex Type LogQueryFilterValueTimeSpanDataModel
Complex Type: LogQueryFilterValueDateRangeDataModel
Derived by
Extending LogQueryFilterValueDataModel
Content Model
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Nillable? | Description |
ValueType | LogQueryFilterValueTypeEnum | Yes | The enumeration value type. |
Value | ArrayOfLogQueryDateRangeValue | Yes | The date range value. |
Complex Type: LogQueryFilterValueIntegerDataModel
Derived by
Extending LogQueryFilterValueDataModel
Content Model
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Nillable? | Description |
ValueType | LogQueryFilterValueTypeEnum | Yes | The enumeration value type. |
Value | ArrayOfint | Yes | The integer value. |
Complex Type: LogQueryFilterValueIPAddressDataModel
Derived by
Extending LogQueryFilterValueDataModel
Content Model
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Nillable? | Description |
ValueType | LogQueryFilterValueTypeEnum | Yes | The enumeration value type. |
Value | ArrayOfstring | Yes | The IP address value. |
Complex Type: LogQueryFilterValueIPRangeDataModel
Derived by
Extending LogQueryFilterValueDataModel
Content Model
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Nillable? | Description |
ValueType | LogQueryFilterValueTypeEnum | Yes | The enumeration value type. |
Value | ArrayOfLogQueryIPRangeValue | Yes | The IP address range value. |
Complex Type: LogQueryFilterValuePortRangeDataModel
Derived by
Extending LogQueryFilterValueDataModel
Content Model
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Nillable? | Description |
ValueType | LogQueryFilterValueTypeEnum | Yes | The enumeration value type. |
Value | ArrayOfLogQueryPortRangeValue | Yes | The port range value. |
Complex Type: LogQueryFilterValueQuantityDataModel
Derived by
Extending LogQueryFilterValueDataModel
Content Model
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Nillable? | Description |
ValueType | LogQueryFilterValueTypeEnum | Yes | The enumeration value type. |
Value | ArrayOfLogQueryQuantityValue | Yes | The quantity value. |
Complex Type: LogQueryFilterValueStringDataModel
Derived by
Extending LogQueryFilterValueDataModel
Content Model
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Nillable? | Description |
ValueType | LogQueryFilterValueTypeEnum | Yes | The enumeration value type. |
Value | ArrayOfstring | Yes | The string value. |
Complex Type: LogQueryFilterValueTimeSpanDataModel
Derived by
Extending LogQueryFilterValueDataModel
Content Model
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Nillable? | Description |
ValueType | LogQueryFilterValueTypeEnum | Yes | The enumeration value type. |
Value | ArrayOfduration | Yes | The timespan value. |
Complex Type: LogQueryIPRangeValue
Value object used to express an IP address range for log queries.
Derived by
Restricting anyType
Content Model
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Nillable? | Description |
StartRangeValue | string | Yes | The start IP address of the range. |
EndRangeValue | string | Yes | The end IP address of the range. |
Complex Type: LogQueryParametersDataModel
This is the base Log Query request object.
Derived by
Restricting anyType
Content Model
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Nillable? | Description |
includeRawLogs | boolean | No | If true, include raw logs. |
logSourceIDs | ArrayOfint | Yes | A list of unique IDs of the log sources. |
logSourceListIDs | ArrayOfint | Yes | A list of unique IDs of the log source list. |
MaxItems | int | No | The max items to be returned by the query. |
PrimaryFilter | ArrayOfLogQueryFilterDataModel | Yes | A list of query filters grouped together as the primary filter. |
QueryEventManager | boolean | No | The query event manager flag. |
QueryLogManagers | boolean | No | The query log manager flag. |
PageSize | int | No | The page size. |
LogManagers | ArrayOfint | Yes | A list of the log managers. |
Complex Type: LogQueryPortRangeValue
Object which represents the start and end values for a port range.
Derived by
Restricting anyType
Content Model
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Nillable? | Description |
StartRangeValue | int | No | The start port range value. |
EndRangeValue | int | No | The end port range value. |
CanEqual | boolean | No | Flag to indicate if the valid values equal the start and beginning values of the range. |
Complex Type: LogQueryQuantityValue
Gets or sets the port range value.
Derived by
Restricting anyType
Content Model
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Nillable? | Description |
Value1 | double | No | First value in the quantity model. |
Value2 | double | Yes | Second value in the quantity model. |
Operation | LogQueryQuantityOperatorEnum | No | Operation taken to quantify the model. |
Complex Type: LogRhythmWebServiceFault
This is the error message object for all of LogRhythm Web Services. This object provides custom meaningful error messages to the client while retaining security precautions for the system.
Derived by
Restricting anyType
Content Model
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Nillable? | Description |
FaultID | guid | No |
Details | string | Yes |
FaultTime | dateTime | No |
ErrorID | int | No |
Complex Type: NetworkDataModel
Network detail object used in alarms.
Derived by
Restricting anyType
Content Model
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Nillable? | Description |
BeginIPRange | IPAddressDataModel | Yes | The beginning value of the IP range of the network. |
DestinationRiskLevel | unsignedByte | No | The destination risk level assigned to this network. |
DestinationRiskLevelName | string | Yes | The destination risk level name assigned to this network. |
DisplayValue | string | Yes | The display value. |
EndIPRange | IPAddressDataModel | Yes | The ending value of the IP address range for the network. |
EntityId | int | Yes | The unique ID for the entity object. |
HasLocationID | boolean | No | If true, the network has a location association. |
HasLocationKey | boolean | No | If true, the network has a location key association. |
HostZone | HostZoneEnum | No | The host zone object associated to the network. |
HostZoneName | string | Yes | The host zone name associated to the network. |
LocationID | int | Yes | The unique ID for location object. |
LocationKey | string | Yes | The location key for the network. |
NetworkId | int | Yes | The unique ID for the network object. |
SourceThreatLevel | int | Yes | The source threat level assigned to the network. |
WatchLevel | WatchItemDataModel | Yes | The watch level assigned to the network. |
WatchLevelName | string | Yes | The watch level name assigned to the network. |
Complex Type: WatchItemDataModel
An object that defines a Watch Item.
Derived by
Restricting anyType
Content Model
Contains elements as defined in the following table.
Component | Type | Nillable? | Description |
Comments | string | Yes | The comments set on a watch item. |
HostID | int | No | The unique ID of the requested host for this watch item. |
Login | string | Yes | The login of the request account for this watch item. |
NetworkId | int | No | The unique ID for the network for this watch item. |
PersonID | int | No | The unique ID for the person for this watch item. |
WatchItemType | WatchItemTypeEnum | No | The enumeration of the type of watch item. |
WatchLevel | WatchLevelEnum | No | The enumeration of the watch level requested. |
WatchLevelName | string | Yes | The name of the watch level requested. |