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PCI-DSS 3.2 – Lists

List Name

List Description

List ID

PCI-DSS: Allowed CDE => Internet App List

This list should be populated with the impacted applications, ports, and protocols which are allowed from the cardholder data environment network to the external internet.


PCI-DSS: Allowed Internal => Internal App List

This list should be populated with the impacted applications, ports, and protocols which are allowed from the internal environment network to the internal environment network.


PCI-DSS: Allowed Internal => Internet App List

This list should be populated with the impacted applications, ports, and protocols which are allowed from the internal environment network to the external internet.


PCI-DSS: Allowed Internet => CDE App List

This list should be populated with the impacted applications, ports, and protocols which are allowed from the external internet to the internal cardholder data environment network.


PCI-DSS: Allowed Internet => DMZ App List

This list should be populated with the impacted applications, ports, and protocols which are allowed from the external internet to the demilitarized zone environment network.


PCI-DSS: Allowed Internet => Internal App List

This list should be populated with the impacted applications, ports, and protocols which are allowed from the external internet environment to the internal environment network.


PCI-DSS: Allowed Test => Internal App List

This list should be populated with the impacted applications, ports, and protocols which are allowed from the test environment to the internal environment network.


PCI-DSS: Allowed Test => Internet App List

This list should be populated with the impacted applications, ports, and protocols which are allowed from the test environment network to the external internet.


PCI-DSS: Allowed Wireless => CDE App List

This list should be populated with the impacted applications, ports, and protocols which are allowed from the wireless environment network to the cardholder data environment network.


Insecure Applications List

This list is pre-populated with insecure impacted applications.


PCI-DSS: Cardholder Data Systems

This list should be populated with Cardholder Data Systems on the network.


PCI-DSS: Database Systems

This list should be populated with database systems on the network.


PCI-DSS: File Integrity Monitors

This list should be populated with file integrity monitoring systems on the network.


PCI-DSS: Network Security Systems

This list should be populated with network security systems (firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention, malware detection/prevention, network access control, remote access, virtual private network, vulnerability scanning) on the network.


PCI-DSS: Physical Security Systems

This list should be populated with physical security systems (badge/card readers & door access) on the network.


PCI-DSS: All Log Sources

This list is used in many of the package elements covering all of the defined log sources including: PCI-DSS: Cardholder Data Systems, PCI-DSS: Database Systems, PCI-DSS: File Integrity Monitors, PCI- DSS: Network Security Systems, PCI-DSS: Physical Security Systems


PCI-DSS: Cardholder Data Environment List

This list should be populated with internal IP addresses of your cardholder data.


PCI-DSS: DMZ Environment List

This list should be populated with internal IP addresses of your demilitarized zone network.


PCI-DSS: Internal Environment List

This list should be populated with internal IP addresses of your entire internal network.


PCI-DSS: Wireless Environment List

This list should be populated with internal IP addresses of your wireless network.


Default Accounts List

This list is pre-populated with all known default accounts.


Default Privileged Accounts: Database

This list is pre-populated with all known default privileged database accounts.


Default Privileged Accounts List

This list is pre-populated with all known default privileged accounts.


PCI-DSS: Disabled And Terminated Accounts List

This list should be populated with disabled or terminated accounts.


PCI-DSS: Vendor Accounts List

This list should be populated with vendor or 3rd party accounts.


PCI-DSS: Allowed DMZ => Internal App List

This list should be populated with the impacted applications, ports, and protocols which are allowed from the demilitarized zone environment to the internal network.


PCI-DSS: Test Environment List

This list should be populated with internal IP addresses of your test network.


PCI-DSS: Privileged Accounts List

This list should be populated with privileged accounts.


PCI-DSS: All Entities

This list should be used in tandem with the "PCI-DSS: All Log Sources" list. Entities designated specifically for PCI hosts and networks can be added to this list.


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