500.05 | CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred CCF: Abnormal Origin Location CCF: Account Deleted CCF: Account Disabled CCF: Account Enabled CCF: Account Modification CCF: Admin Password Modified CCF: Attack then External Connection CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm CCF: Auth After Numerous Failed Auths CCF: Auth After Security Event CCF: Backup Failure Alarm CCF: Backup Information CCF: Blacklist Location Auth CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm CCF: Concurrent VPN from Multiple Locations CCF: Concurrent VPN from Single User CCF: Config Change After Attack CCF: Config Change then Critical Error CCF: Config Deleted/Disabled CCF: Config Modified CCF: Corroborated Account Anomalies CCF: Corroborated Data Access Anomalies CCF: Critical Event After Attack CCF: PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm CCF: PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm CCF: Data Destruction CCF: Data Exfiltration Observed CCF: Data Loss Prevention CCF: Denial Of Service Alarm CCF: Disabled Account Auth Success CCF: Distributed Brute Force CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm CCF: Excessive Authentication Failures CCF: External Brute Force Auths CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity CCF: FIM Add Activity CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm CCF: FIM General Activity CCF: FIM Information CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity CCF: GeoIP General Activity CCF: Large Outbound Transfer CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation CCF: Local Account Created and Used CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm CCF: Malware Alarm CCF: Misuse CCF: Multiple Account Passwords Modified by Admin CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm CCF: Password Modified by Admin CCF: Password Modified by Another User CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack Alarm CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm CCF: Social Media Event CCF: Software Install CCF: Software Install Fail Alarm CCF: Software Uninstall CCF: Software Uninstall Fail Alarm CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation | CCF: Account Deleted Inv CCF: Account Disabled Inv CCF: Account Enabled Inv CCF: Account Modification Inv CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv CCF: Audit Log Inv CCF: Backup Activity Inv CCF: Compromises Detected Inv CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv CCF: Denial Of Service Inv CCF: Excessive Authentication Failures Inv CCF: GeoIP Inv CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv CCF: Malware Detected Inv CCF: Object Access Inv CCF: Patch Activity Inv CCF: Physical Access Inv CCF: Privileged Account Escalation Inv CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv CCF: Signature Activity Inv CCF: Social Media Inv CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv CCF: Suspicious Users Inv CCF: Time Sync Error Inv CCF: Unknown User Account Inv CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv CCF: User Misuse Inv CCF: User Object Access Inv CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv | CCF: Access Failure Summary CCF: Access Success Summary CCF: Account Deleted Summary CCF: Account Disabled Summary CCF: Account Enabled Summary CCF: Account Modification Summary CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary CCF: Audit Log Summary CCF: Auth Failure Summary CCF: Auth Success Summary CCF: Backup Activity Summary CCF: Compromises Detected Summary CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary CCF: GeoIP Summary CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary CCF: Malware Detected Summary CCF: Object Access Summary CCF: Patch Activity Summary CCF: Physical Access Summary CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary CCF: Signature Activity Summary CCF: Social Media Summary CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary CCF: Term Account Activity Summary CCF: Time Sync Error Summary CCF: Top Suspicious Users CCF: Unknown User Account Detail CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary CCF: User Misuse Summary CCF: User Object Access Summary CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary |
500.06 | CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred CCF: Abnormal Origin Location CCF: Account Deleted CCF: Account Disabled CCF: Account Enabled CCF: Account Modification CCF: Admin Password Modified CCF: Attack then External Connection CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm CCF: Auth After Numerous Failed Auths CCF: Auth After Security Event CCF: Backup Failure Alarm CCF: Backup Information CCF: Blacklist Location Auth CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm CCF: Concurrent VPN from Multiple Locations CCF: Concurrent VPN from Single User CCF: Config Change After Attack CCF: Config Change then Critical Error CCF: Config Deleted/Disabled CCF: Config Modified CCF: Corroborated Account Anomalies CCF: Corroborated Data Access Anomalies CCF: Critical Event After Attack CCF: PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm CCF: PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm CCF: Data Destruction CCF: Data Exfiltration Observed CCF: Data Loss Prevention CCF: Denial Of Service Alarm CCF: Disabled Account Auth Success CCF: Distributed Brute Force CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm CCF: Excessive Authentication Failures CCF: External Brute Force Auths CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity CCF: FIM Add Activity CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm CCF: FIM General Activity CCF: FIM Information CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity CCF: GeoIP General Activity CCF: Large Outbound Transfer CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation CCF: Local Account Created and Used CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm CCF: Malware Alarm CCF: Misuse CCF: Multiple Account Passwords Modified by Admin CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm CCF: Password Modified by Admin CCF: Password Modified by Another User CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack Alarm CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm CCF: Social Media Event CCF: Software Install CCF: Software Install Fail Alarm CCF: Software Uninstall CCF: Software Uninstall Fail Alarm CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation | CCF: Account Deleted Inv CCF: Account Disabled Inv CCF: Account Enabled Inv CCF: Account Modification Inv CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv CCF: Audit Log Inv CCF: Backup Activity Inv CCF: Compromises Detected Inv CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv CCF: Denial Of Service Inv CCF: Excessive Authentication Failures Inv CCF: GeoIP Inv CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv CCF: Malware Detected Inv CCF: Object Access Inv CCF: Patch Activity Inv CCF: Physical Access Inv CCF: Privileged Account Escalation Inv CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv CCF: Signature Activity Inv CCF: Social Media Inv CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv CCF: Suspicious Users Inv CCF: Time Sync Error Inv CCF: Unknown User Account Inv CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv CCF: User Misuse Inv CCF: User Object Access Inv CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv | CCF: Access Failure Summary CCF: Access Success Summary CCF: Account Deleted Summary CCF: Account Disabled Summary CCF: Account Enabled Summary CCF: Account Modification Summary CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary CCF: Audit Log Summary CCF: Auth Failure Summary CCF: Auth Success Summary CCF: Backup Activity Summary CCF: Compromises Detected Summary CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary CCF: GeoIP Summary CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary CCF: Malware Detected Summary CCF: Object Access Summary CCF: Patch Activity Summary CCF: Physical Access Summary CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary CCF: Signature Activity Summary CCF: Social Media Summary CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary CCF: Term Account Activity Summary CCF: Time Sync Error Summary CCF: Top Suspicious Users CCF: Unknown User Account Detail CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary CCF: User Misuse Summary CCF: User Object Access Summary CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary |
500.07 | CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred CCF: Abnormal Origin Location CCF: Account Deleted CCF: Account Disabled CCF: Account Enabled CCF: Account Modification CCF: Admin Password Modified CCF: Attack then External Connection CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm CCF: Auth After Numerous Failed Auths CCF: Auth After Security Event CCF: Blacklist Location Auth CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm CCF: Concurrent VPN from Multiple Locations CCF: Concurrent VPN from Single User CCF: Config Modified CCF: Corroborated Account Anomalies CCF: Corroborated Data Access Anomalies CCF: Critical Event After Attack CCF: PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm CCF: PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm CCF: Denial Of Service Alarm CCF: Disabled Account Auth Success CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm CCF: Excessive Authentication Failures CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity CCF: GeoIP General Activity CCF: Large Outbound Transfer CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation CCF: Local Account Created and Used CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm CCF: Misuse CCF: Multiple Account Passwords Modified by Admin CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm CCF: Password Modified by Admin CCF: Password Modified by Another User CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack Alarm CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm CCF: Social Media Event CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation | CCF: Account Deleted Inv CCF: Account Disabled Inv CCF: Account Enabled Inv CCF: Account Modification Inv CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv CCF: Audit Log Inv CCF: Compromise Detected Inv CCF: Denial Of Service Inv CCF: Excessive Authentication Failures Inv CCF: GeoIP Inv CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv CCF: Object Access Inv CCF: Physical Access Inv CCF: Privileged Account Escalation Inv CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv CCF: Social Media Inv CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv CCF: Suspicious Users Inv CCF: Time Sync Error Inv CCF: Unknown User Account Inv CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv CCF: User Misuse Inv CCF: User Object Access Inv CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv | CCF: Access Failure Summary CCF: Access Success Summary CCF: Account Deleted Summary CCF: Account Disabled Summary CCF: Account Enabled Summary CCF: Account Modification Summary CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary CCF: Audit Log Summary CCF: Auth Failure Summary CCF: Auth Success Summary CCF: Compromise Detected Summary CCF: GeoIP Summary CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary CCF: Object Access Summary CCF: Physical Access Summary CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary CCF: Social Media Summary CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary CCF: Term Account Activity Summary CCF: Time Sync Error Summary CCF: Top Suspicious Users CCF: Unknown User Account Detail CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary CCF: User Misuse Summary CCF: User Object Access Summary CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary |
500.09 | CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred CCF: Abnormal Origin Location CCF: Account Deleted CCF: Account Disabled CCF: Account Enabled CCF: Account Modification CCF: Admin Password Modified CCF: Attack then External Connection CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm CCF: Auth After Numerous Failed Auths CCF: Auth After Security Event CCF: Backup Failure Alarm CCF: Backup Information CCF: Blacklist Location Auth CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm CCF: Concurrent VPN from Multiple Locations CCF: Concurrent VPN from Single User CCF: Config Change After Attack CCF: Config Change then Critical Error CCF: Config Deleted/Disabled CCF: Config Modified CCF: Corroborated Account Anomalies CCF: Corroborated Data Access Anomalies CCF: Critical Event After Attack CCF: PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm CCF: PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm CCF: Data Destruction CCF: Data Exfiltration Observed CCF: Data Loss Prevention CCF: Denial Of Service Alarm CCF: Disabled Account Auth Success CCF: Distributed Brute Force CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm CCF: Excessive Authentication Failures CCF: External Brute Force Auths CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity CCF: FIM Add Activity CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm CCF: FIM General Activity CCF: FIM Information CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity CCF: GeoIP General Activity CCF: Large Outbound Transfer CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation CCF: Local Account Created and Used CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm CCF: Malware Alarm CCF: Misuse CCF: Multiple Account Passwords Modified by Admin CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm CCF: Password Modified by Admin CCF: Password Modified by Another User CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack Alarm CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm CCF: Social Media Event CCF: Software Install CCF: Software Install Fail Alarm CCF: Software Uninstall CCF: Software Uninstall Fail Alarm CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation | CCF: Account Deleted Inv CCF: Account Disabled Inv CCF: Account Enabled Inv CCF: Account Modification Inv CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv CCF: Audit Log Inv CCF: Backup Activity Inv CCF: Compromises Detected Inv CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv CCF: Denial Of Service Inv CCF: Excessive Authentication Failures Inv CCF: GeoIP Inv CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv CCF: Malware Detected Inv CCF: Object Access Inv CCF: Patch Activity Inv CCF: Physical Access Inv CCF: Privileged Account Escalation Inv CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv CCF: Signature Activity Inv CCF: Social Media Inv CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv CCF: Suspicious Users Inv CCF: Time Sync Error Inv CCF: Unknown User Account Inv CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv CCF: User Misuse Inv CCF: User Object Access Inv CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv | CCF: Access Failure Summary CCF: Access Success Summary CCF: Account Deleted Summary CCF: Account Disabled Summary CCF: Account Enabled Summary CCF: Account Modification Summary CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary CCF: Audit Log Summary CCF: Auth Failure Summary CCF: Auth Success Summary CCF: Backup Activity Summary CCF: Compromises Detected Summary CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary CCF: GeoIP Summary CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary CCF: Malware Detected Summary CCF: Object Access Summary CCF: Patch Activity Summary CCF: Physical Access Summary CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary CCF: Signature Activity Summary CCF: Social Media Summary CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary CCF: Term Account Activity Summary CCF: Time Sync Error Summary CCF: Top Suspicious Users CCF: Unknown User Account Detail CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary CCF: User Misuse Summary CCF: User Object Access Summary CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary |
500.11 | CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred CCF: Abnormal Origin Location CCF: Account Deleted CCF: Account Disabled CCF: Account Enabled CCF: Account Modification CCF: Admin Password Modified CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm CCF: Auth After Numerous Failed Auths CCF: Auth After Security Event CCF: Blacklist Location Auth CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm CCF: Concurrent VPN from Multiple Locations CCF: Concurrent VPN from Single User CCF: Corroborated Account Anomalies CCF: Corroborated Data Access Anomalies CCF: Critical Event After Attack CCF: Data Destruction CCF: Data Exfiltration Observed CCF: Data Loss Prevention CCF: Disabled Account Auth Success CCF: Excessive Authentication Failures CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity CCF: GeoIP General Activity CCF: Large Outbound Transfer CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation CCF: Local Account Created and Used CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm CCF: Misuse CCF: Password Modified by Admin CCF: Password Modified by Another User CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack Alarm CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation | CCF: Account Deleted Inv CCF: Account Disabled Inv CCF: Account Enabled Inv CCF: Account Modification Inv CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv CCF: Audit Log Inv CCF: Excessive Authentication Failures Inv CCF: GeoIP Inv CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv CCF: Object Access Inv CCF: Physical Access Inv CCF: Privileged Account Escalation Inv CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv CCF: Suspicious Users Inv CCF: Time Sync Error Inv CCF: Unknown User Account Inv CCF: User Misuse Inv CCF: User Object Access Inv | CCF: Access Failure Summary CCF: Access Success Summary CCF: Account Deleted Summary CCF: Account Disabled Summary CCF: Account Enabled Summary CCF: Account Modification Summary CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary CCF: Audit Log Summary CCF: Auth Failure Summary CCF: Auth Success Summary CCF: GeoIP Summary CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary CCF: Object Access Summary CCF: Physical Access Summary CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary CCF: Term Account Activity Summary CCF: Time Sync Error Summary CCF: Top Suspicious Users CCF: Unknown User Account Detail CCF: User Misuse Summary CCF: User Object Access Summary CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary |
500.13 | CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm CCF: Backup Failure Alarm CCF: Backup Information CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity CCF: FIM Add Activity CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm CCF: FIM General Activity CCF: Large Outbound Transfer CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm | CCF: Audit Log Inv CCF: Backup Activity Inv CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv CCF: Physical Access Inv CCF: Time Sync Error Inv | CCF: Audit Log Summary CCF: Backup Activity Summary CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary CCF: Physical Access Summary CCF: Time Sync Error Summary |
500.14 | CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred CCF: Abnormal Origin Location CCF: Account Deleted CCF: Account Disabled CCF: Account Enabled CCF: Account Modification CCF: Admin Password Modified CCF: Attack then External Connection CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm CCF: Auth After Numerous Failed Auths CCF: Auth After Security Event CCF: Backup Failure Alarm CCF: Backup Information CCF: Blacklist Location Auth CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm CCF: Concurrent VPN from Multiple Locations CCF: Concurrent VPN from Single User CCF: Config Change After Attack CCF: Config Change then Critical Error CCF: Config Deleted/Disabled CCF: Config Modified CCF: Corroborated Account Anomalies CCF: Corroborated Data Access Anomalies CCF: Critical Event After Attack CCF: PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm CCF: PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm CCF: Data Destruction CCF: Data Exfiltration Observed CCF: Data Loss Prevention CCF: Denial Of Service Alarm CCF: Disabled Account Auth Success CCF: Distributed Brute Force CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm CCF: Excessive Authentication Failures CCF: External Brute Force Auths CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity CCF: FIM Add Activity CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm CCF: FIM General Activity CCF: FIM Information CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity CCF: GeoIP General Activity CCF: Large Outbound Transfer CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation CCF: Local Account Created and Used CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm CCF: Malware Alarm CCF: Misuse CCF: Multiple Account Passwords Modified by Admin CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm CCF: Password Modified by Admin CCF: Password Modified by Another User CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack Alarm CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm CCF: Social Media Event CCF: Software Install CCF: Software Install Fail Alarm CCF: Software Uninstall CCF: Software Uninstall Fail Alarm CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation | CCF: Account Deleted Inv CCF: Account Disabled Inv CCF: Account Enabled Inv CCF: Account Modification Inv CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv CCF: Audit Log Inv CCF: Backup Activity Inv CCF: Compromises Detected Inv CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv CCF: Denial Of Service Inv CCF: Excessive Authentication Failures Inv CCF: GeoIP Inv CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv CCF: Malware Detected Inv CCF: Object Access Inv CCF: Patch Activity Inv CCF: Physical Access Inv CCF: Privileged Account Escalation Inv CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv CCF: Signature Activity Inv CCF: Social Media Inv CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv CCF: Suspicious Users Inv CCF: Time Sync Error Inv CCF: Unknown User Account Inv CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv CCF: User Misuse Inv CCF: User Object Access Inv CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv | CCF: Access Failure Summary CCF: Access Success Summary CCF: Account Deleted Summary CCF: Account Disabled Summary CCF: Account Enabled Summary CCF: Account Modification Summary CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary CCF: Audit Log Summary CCF: Auth Failure Summary CCF: Auth Success Summary CCF: Backup Activity Summary CCF: Compromises Detected Summary CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary CCF: GeoIP Summary CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary CCF: Malware Detected Summary CCF: Object Access Summary CCF: Patch Activity Summary CCF: Physical Access Summary CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary CCF: Signature Activity Summary CCF: Social Media Summary CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary CCF: Term Account Activity Summary CCF: Time Sync Error Summary CCF: Top Suspicious Users CCF: Unknown User Account Detail CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary CCF: User Misuse Summary CCF: User Object Access Summary CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary |
500.15 | CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred CCF: Abnormal Origin Location CCF: Account Deleted CCF: Account Disabled CCF: Account Enabled CCF: Account Modification CCF: Admin Password Modified CCF: Attack then External Connection CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm CCF: Auth After Numerous Failed Auths CCF: Auth After Security Event CCF: Backup Failure Alarm CCF: Blacklist Location Auth CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm CCF: Concurrent VPN from Multiple Locations CCF: Concurrent VPN from Single User CCF: Config Change After Attack CCF: Config Change then Critical Error CCF: Config Deleted/Disabled CCF: Config Modified CCF: Corroborated Account Anomalies CCF: Corroborated Data Access Anomalies CCF: Critical Event After Attack CCF: PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm CCF: PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm CCF: Data Destruction CCF: Data Exfiltration Observed CCF: Data Loss Prevention CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm CCF: Excessive Authentication Failures CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity CCF: FIM Add Activity CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm CCF: FIM General Activity CCF: FIM Information CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity CCF: GeoIP General Activity CCF: Large Outbound Transfer CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation CCF: Local Account Created and Used CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm CCF: Misuse CCF: Multiple Account Passwords Modified by Admin CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm CCF: Password Modified by Admin CCF: Password Modified by Another User CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack Alarm CCF: Social Media Event CCF: Software Install CCF: Software Install Fail Alarm CCF: Software Uninstall CCF: Software Uninstall Fail Alarm CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation | CCF: Account Deleted Inv CCF: Account Disabled Inv CCF: Account Enabled Inv CCF: Account Modification Inv CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv CCF: Audit Log Inv CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv CCF: Excessive Authentication Failures Inv CCF: GeoIP Inv CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv CCF: Object Access Inv CCF: Patch Activity Inv CCF: Physical Access Inv CCF: Privileged Account Escalation Inv CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv CCF: Signature Activity Inv CCF: Social Media Inv CCF: Suspicious Users Inv CCF: Time Sync Error Inv CCF: Unknown User Account Inv CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv CCF: User Misuse Inv CCF: User Object Access Inv | CCF: Access Failure Summary CCF: Access Success Summary CCF: Account Deleted Summary CCF: Account Disabled Summary CCF: Account Enabled Summary CCF: Account Modification Summary CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary CCF: Audit Log Summary CCF: Auth Failure Summary CCF: Auth Success Summary CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary CCF: GeoIP Summary CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary CCF: Object Access Summary CCF: Patch Activity Summary CCF: Physical Access Summary CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary CCF: Signature Activity Summary CCF: Social Media Summary CCF: Term Account Activity Summary CCF: Time Sync Error Summary CCF: Top Suspicious Users CCF: Unknown User Account Detail CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary CCF: User Misuse Summary CCF: User Object Access Summary CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary |
500.16 | CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred CCF: Abnormal Origin Location CCF: Account Deleted CCF: Account Disabled CCF: Account Enabled CCF: Account Modification CCF: Admin Password Modified CCF: Attack then External Connection CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm CCF: Auth After Numerous Failed Auths CCF: Auth After Security Event CCF: Backup Failure Alarm CCF: Backup Information CCF: Blacklist Location Auth CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm CCF: Concurrent VPN from Multiple Locations CCF: Concurrent VPN from Single User CCF: Config Change After Attack CCF: Config Change then Critical Error CCF: Config Deleted/Disabled CCF: Corroborated Account Anomalies CCF: Corroborated Data Access Anomalies CCF: Critical Event After Attack CCF: PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm CCF: PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm CCF: Data Destruction CCF: Data Exfiltration Observed CCF: Data Loss Prevention CCF: Denial Of Service Alarm CCF: Disabled Account Auth Success CCF: Distributed Brute Force CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm CCF: Excessive Authentication Failures CCF: External Brute Force Auths CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity CCF: FIM Add Activity CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm CCF: FIM General Activity CCF: FIM Information CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity CCF: GeoIP General Activity CCF: Large Outbound Transfer CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation CCF: Local Account Created and Used CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm CCF: Malware Alarm CCF: Misuse CCF: Multiple Account Passwords Modified by Admin CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm CCF: Password Modified by Admin CCF: Password Modified by Another User CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack Alarm CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm CCF: Social Media Event CCF: Software Install CCF: Software Install Fail Alarm CCF: Software Uninstall CCF: Software Uninstall Fail Alarm CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation | CCF: Account Deleted Inv CCF: Account Disabled Inv CCF: Account Enabled Inv CCF: Account Modification Inv CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv CCF: Audit Log Inv CCF: Backup Activity Inv CCF: Compromises Detected Inv CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv CCF: Denial Of Service Inv CCF: Excessive Authentication Failures Inv CCF: GeoIP Inv CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv CCF: Malware Detected Inv CCF: Object Access Inv CCF: Patch Activity Inv CCF: Physical Access Inv CCF: Privileged Account Escalation Inv CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv CCF: Signature Activity Inv CCF: Social Media Inv CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv CCF: Suspicious Users Inv CCF: Time Sync Error Inv CCF: Unknown User Account Inv CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv CCF: User Misuse Inv CCF: User Object Access Inv CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv | CCF: Access Failure Summary CCF: Access Success Summary CCF: Account Deleted Summary CCF: Account Disabled Summary CCF: Account Enabled Summary CCF: Account Modification Summary CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary CCF: Audit Log Summary CCF: Auth Failure Summary CCF: Auth Success Summary CCF: Backup Activity Summary CCF: Compromises Detected Summary CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary CCF: GeoIP Summary CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary CCF: Malware Detected Summary CCF: Object Access Summary CCF: Patch Activity Summary CCF: Physical Access Summary CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary CCF: Signature Activity Summary CCF: Social Media Summary CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary CCF: Term Account Activity Summary CCF: Time Sync Error Summary CCF: Top Suspicious Users CCF: Unknown User Account Detail CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary CCF: User Misuse Summary CCF: User Object Access Summary CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary |
500.17 | CCF: Abnormal Amount of Data Transferred CCF: Abnormal Origin Location CCF: Account Deleted CCF: Account Disabled CCF: Account Enabled CCF: Account Modification CCF: Admin Password Modified CCF: Attack then External Connection CCF: Audit Log Cleared Alarm CCF: Audit Logging Stopped Alarm CCF: Auth After Numerous Failed Auths CCF: Auth After Security Event CCF: Backup Failure Alarm CCF: Backup Information CCF: Blacklist Location Auth CCF: Blacklisted Account Alarm CCF: Compromise Detected Alarm CCF: Concurrent VPN from Multiple Locations CCF: Concurrent VPN from Single User CCF: Config Change After Attack CCF: Config Change then Critical Error CCF: Config Deleted/Disabled CCF: Config Modified CCF: Corroborated Account Anomalies CCF: Corroborated Data Access Anomalies CCF: Critical Event After Attack CCF: PRD Envir Config/Policy Change Alarm CCF: Critical/PRD Envir Patch Failure Alarm CCF: PRD Envir Signature Failure Alarm CCF: Data Destruction CCF: Data Exfiltration Observed CCF: Data Loss Prevention CCF: Denial Of Service Alarm CCF: Disabled Account Auth Success CCF: Distributed Brute Force CCF: Early TLS/SSL Alarm CCF: Excessive Authentication Failures CCF: External Brute Force Auths CCF: Failed Audit Log Write Alarm CCF: FIM Abnormal Activity CCF: FIM Add Activity CCF: FIM Delete Activity Alarm CCF: FIM General Activity CCF: FIM Information CCF: GeoIP Blacklisted Region Activity CCF: GeoIP General Activity CCF: Large Outbound Transfer CCF: Linux sudo Privilege Escalation CCF: Local Account Created and Used CCF: LogRhythm Silent Log Source Error Alarm CCF: Malware Alarm CCF: Misuse CCF: Multiple Account Passwords Modified by Admin CCF: Non-Encrypted Protocol Alarm CCF: Password Modified by Admin CCF: Password Modified by Another User CCF: Priv Group Access Granted Alarm CCF: Privilege Escalation After Attack Alarm CCF: Rogue Access Point Alarm CCF: Social Media Event CCF: Software Install CCF: Software Install Fail Alarm CCF: Software Uninstall CCF: Software Uninstall Fail Alarm CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Alarm CCF: Time Sync Error Alarm CCF: Unknown User Account Alarm CCF: Vulnerability Detected Alarm CCF: Windows RunAs Privilege Escalation | CCF: Account Deleted Inv CCF: Account Disabled Inv CCF: Account Enabled Inv CCF: Account Modification Inv CCF: Applications Accessed By User Inv CCF: Audit Log Inv CCF: Backup Activity Inv CCF: Compromises Detected Inv CCF: Config/Policy Change Inv CCF: Critical Environment Error Inv CCF: Denial Of Service Inv CCF: Excessive Authentication Failures Inv CCF: GeoIP Inv CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Inv CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Inv CCF: Malware Detected Inv CCF: Object Access Inv CCF: Patch Activity Inv CCF: Physical Access Inv CCF: Privileged Account Escalation Inv CCF: Privileged Account Modification Inv CCF: Rogue Access Point Inv CCF: Signature Activity Inv CCF: Social Media Inv CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Inv CCF: Suspicious Users Inv CCF: Time Sync Error Inv CCF: Unknown User Account Inv CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Inv CCF: User Misuse Inv CCF: User Object Access Inv CCF: Vulnerability Detected Inv | CCF: Access Failure Summary CCF: Access Success Summary CCF: Account Deleted Summary CCF: Account Disabled Summary CCF: Account Enabled Summary CCF: Account Modification Summary CCF: Applications Accessed By User Summary CCF: Audit Log Summary CCF: Auth Failure Summary CCF: Auth Success Summary CCF: Backup Activity Summary CCF: Compromises Detected Summary CCF: Config/Policy Change Summary CCF: Critical Environment Error Summary CCF: GeoIP Summary CCF: Host Access Granted And Revoked Detail CCF: LogRhythm Data Loss Defender Log Summary CCF: Malware Detected Summary CCF: Object Access Summary CCF: Patch Activity Summary CCF: Physical Access Summary CCF: Priv Account Management Activity Summary CCF: Priv Authentication Activity Summary CCF: Rogue Access Point Summary CCF: Signature Activity Summary CCF: Social Media Summary CCF: Suspected Wireless Attack Summary CCF: Term Account Activity Summary CCF: Time Sync Error Summary CCF: Top Suspicious Users CCF: Unknown User Account Detail CCF: Use Of Non-Encrypted Protocols Summary CCF: User Misuse Summary CCF: User Object Access Summary CCF: User Priv Escalation (SU & SUDO) Summary CCF: User Priv Escalation (Windows) Summary CCF: Vulnerability Detected Summary |