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IT Operations – AI Engine Rules

AIE Rule IDAIE Rule NameAIE Rule Brief Description
1378IT Ops: Crit System ShutdownMonitors for system shutdowns that are not followed by startup activity. Must be tuned to select "always on" hosts and for appropriate timeframe for system to startup after shutdown activity.
1379IT Ops: Crit Service StoppedRule observes for service stop events that are not followed by service start events.
1380IT Ops: Crit Win Service Failed To RecoverRule looking for Windows services which attempt to recover, but fail.
1381IT Ops: Crit Backup FailureMonitors for failed backup events.
1441IT Ops: Crit Application Config ChangeObserves for changes to critical application configurations.
1442IT Ops: Crit Database Config ChangeMonitors for changes to critical database configurations.
1443IT Ops: Crit Dir. Services Config ChangeMonitors for changes to critical directory services configurations.
1444IT Ops: Crit Net Access Config ChangeMonitors for changes to critical network access configurations.
1445IT Ops: Crit Security Config ChangeMonitors for changes to critical security configurations.
1446IT Ops: Crit System Config ChangeMonitors for changes to critical system configurations.
1447IT Ops: Win Application Error TrackingRule tracks windows application errors that exceed a normal level.
1448IT Ops: Possible Bad Win Update : App ErrorRule watches for Windows Application Error Tracking trend rule firing following Windows Updates being installed. Rule fires alarm if a higher incidence of application errors have occurred.
1451IT Ops: Possible Bad Win Update : Sys CrashRule watches for a Windows crash dump log following Windows Updates being installed.
1458IT Ops: Slow Web Server Response TimesRule observes for slow web server response times.
1470IT Ops: PerfMon: Proc Time Thrshld ExceededRule observes for 20 or more threshold exceeded alarms within 6 minutes from Windows PerfMon for % Processor Time counter.
1471IT Ops: PerfMon: Low Free Disk SpaceRule observes for low disk space alerts from Windows PerfMon counters.
1472IT Ops: Nagios: Sys Offline AttributionObserves for several critical, warning, or error events followed by Nagios detecting a host hard down status.
1473IT Ops: Nagios: Sys Off Following Win UpdateObserves for successful Windows Update install followed by Nagios event indicating a system is down.
1474IT Ops: PerfMon: Dsk % Idle Time Blw ThrshldMonitors for low disk idle time from Performance Monitor.
1476IT Ops: Nagios: Service State OfflineRule observes for hard service state down or critical from Nagios.
1485IT Ops: Nagios: Sys Offline Following ChangeObserves for configuration change followed by Nagios detecting a host hard down status.
1486IT Ops: VMWare: RAM Disk FullObserves for specific logging activity indicative of a full RAM Disk.
1597IT Ops: LogRhythm Lifecycle ControllerRule to event on LogRhythm Lifecycle Controller logs.
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