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Healthcare Security – Lists

List Name

List Description


List ID

HSS: Parent Entities

This list contains all Parent Entities associated with HIPAA, HITECH, and PI.



HSS: Physical Access Systems

This list is designated for all entities that fall under this category. (HIPAA)



HSS: Data Storage Systems

This list is designated for all entities that fall under the specified category. (HIPAA)



HSS: Network Devices

This list is designated for all entities that fall under the specified category. (HIPAA)



HSS: Workstations

This list is designated for all entities that fall under the specified category. (HIPAA)



HSS: Production Servers

This list is designated for all entities that fall under the specified category. (HIPAA)



HSS: Remote Access Systems

This list is designated for all entities that fall under the specified category. (HIPAA)



HSS: Security Systems

This list is designated for all entities that fall under the specified category. (HIPAA)



HSS: Test Systems

This list is designated for all entities that fall under the specified category. (HIPAA)



HSS: Covered Entity IPs

All known IP addresses that are associated with covered entities should be added to this list. (HITECH)



HSS: Threat IPs

This list contains lists from the Threat Intelligence Service Module, and should be used to black list other threatening host IPs. (HITECH)



HSS: Certified EHR Technologies

All in-scope systems that qualify as official certified EHR technologies (PI)

Log Source


HSS: File Integrity Monitoring Systems

Systems that generate file integrity monitoring logs should populate this list. (HITECH)

Log Source


HSS: Systems Containing ePHI

All systems containing any level of ePHI belong in this list. (HITECH)

Log Source


HSS: All Network and System Access Log Sources

All systems that log network traffic, including but not limited to firewalls, proxy systems, routers, switches, VPN access points, Active Directory and other related systems belong in this list. (HITECH)

Log Source


HSS: ePHI Associated Applications

Applications associated with ePHI and EHR belong in this list. (M/H/H)



HSS: Primary Eligible Professionals

This list is for signed and designated eligible professionals who write MORE than 100 prescriptions per reporting period. (PI)



HSS: Secondary Eligible Professionals

This list is for signed and designated eligible professionals who write LESS than 100 prescriptions per reporting period. (PI)



HSS: Business Associates

Business associate, vendor accounts should be listed here. (HITECH)



HSS: Test Accounts

Any account utilized for testing purposes belongs here. (HITECH)



HSS: Privileged Accounts

Populate this list with privileged accounts, especially accounts that have access to ePHI data. (H/H)



HSS: Terminated Accounts

Accounts that have been disabled or terminated should be added to this list. (H/H)



HSS: Role Based Accounts

Role based accounts are to be utilized only with the access of an associated unique identifier. Add role based accounts to this list. (H/H)



HSS: Web Access Accounts

Accounts used for website access belong in this list. (H/H)



HSS: DMZ Networks

This is designated for DMZ networks.



HSS: Internal Networks

Internal non-DMZ networks belong here.



HSS: Wireless Networks

Wireless networks should be added here.



HSS: Protected Networks

List protected ePHI networks here.



HSS: Testing Networks

Test network environments should be added here.



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