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GPG-13 – Investigations

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Investigation ID

Direct/Augment Control Activity
Data Source
Intelligent Indexing
Log Source Lists

GPG-13: Attack Detected at Boundary

This investigation provides detailed information on suspected attacks at the boundary including the type of attack and impacted (targeted) host and application (if applicable). This supplements testing of GPG-13 control PMC3.4 [Report B].


PMC3.4 – Direct

Event Manager


Security: Attack

GPG-13: Security Boundary Enforcing Devices

GPG-13: Security Boundary Monitoring Devices

GPG-13: Auth Failure on Boundary Device

This investigation provides detailed information on authentication failure activity occurring on a boundary monitoring device including the common event detailing the reason for the authentication failure. This supplements testing of GPG-13 control PMC3.3 [Report B].


PMC3.3 - Direct

Event Manager


Audit: Authentication Failure

GPG-13: Security Boundary Anti-Malware Gateways

GPG-13: Security Boundary Content Gateways

GPG-13: Security Boundary Enforcing Devices

GPG-13: Security Boundary Monitoring Devices

GPG-13: Completed File Import/Export

This investigation provides details around completed file import/export activities across the boundary to supplement testing of GPG-13 control PMC2.9 [Report C] and 2.10 [Report C].


PMC2.9 – Direct

PMC2.10 – Direct

Log Manager


Operations: Information

GPG-13: Security Boundary Anti-Malware Gateways

GPG-13: Security Boundary Content Gateways

GPG-13: Security Boundary Enforcing Devices

GPG-13: Security Boundary Monitoring Devices

GPG-13: Failed File Import/Export Attempt

This investigation provides detail relating to blocked file import/export attempts across the boundary to supplemental testing of GPG-13 control PMC2.4 [Report B] and PMC2.5 [Report B].


PMC2.4 - Direct

PMC2.5 - Direct

Event Manager


Operations: Network Deny

GPG-13: Security Boundary Anti-Malware Gateways

GPG-13: Security Boundary Content Gateways

GPG-13: Security Boundary Enforcing Devices

GPG-13: Security Boundary Monitoring Devices.

GPG-13: Internal Boundary Monitoring Device Change

This investigation supplements testing of GPG-13 control PMC5.6, 5.12, 6.15 (and related reporting) to provide additional details around internal boundary monitoring device changes. Reports will provide the current version of the change, but the investigation will provide the previous version of the signature within the raw log message.


PMC5.6 - Direct,

PMC5.12 – Augment,

PMC6.15 - Augment

Log Manager


Audit: Configuration

GPG-13: Internal Boundary Enforcing Devices

GPG-13: LogRhythm Alert Config Change

This investigation supplements testing of GPG-13 control PMC9.3 [Report C] by providing additional details on the alert configuration change being investigated. This report required Enhanced Auditing Configuration. Refer to the GPG-13 Deployment Guide for further configuration instructions.


PMC9.3 - Direct

Log Manager


Audit: Configuration

GPG-13: UDLA – LREnhancedAudit

GPG-13: Malware Detected on Host

This investigation provides a details of activity indicative of malware installation, propagation, or use to directly address GPG-13 control PMC4.2 [Report A]. This investigation includes both successful and failed malware activity.


PMC4.2 – Direct

Event Manager


Security: Malware

GPG-13: Servers And Workstations

GPG-13: Malware Detection Activity

This investigation provides details of activity indicative of successful or failed malware installation, propagation, or use to directly address GPG-13 control PMC2.1 [Report A].


PMC2.1 – Direct

Event Manager


Security: Malware

GPG-13: All Log Sources

GPG-13: Network Act Priv/Group Change (Windows)

This investigation provides detailed information of changes to network user privilege, group or membership assignments and is configured specific to windows logs form the in-scope workstations and servers. The common events pertain to specific group modifications and account metadata field must not end with '$' which has the effect of excluding computer accounts from the investigation. This supplements testing of GPG-13 control PMC7.3 [Report A].


PMC7.3 – Direct

Event Manager


Audit: Account Modified

GPG-13: Servers And Workstations

GPG-13: Remote Auth Failure

This investigation provides detailed information on authentication failures originating from a remote access point into the boundary. This supplements testing of GPG-13 control PMC6.1 [Report A].


PMC6.1 - Direct

Event Manager


Audit : Authentication Failure

GPG-13: Remote Access Devices

GPG-13: Suspected Internal Attack

This investigation provides summary information on suspected attacks at the internal boundary including the type if attack and impacted (targeted) host and application (if applicable). This supplements testing of GPG-13 control PMC5.7 [Report C].


PMC5.7 – Direct

Event Manager


Security : Attack

GPG-13: Internal Boundary Enforcing Devices

GPG-13: User Network Act Status Change (Windows)

This investigation supplements testing of GPG-13 control PMC7.2 [Report A] by providing summary information on user network account status change. This report is windows specific and searches against a selection of common events relating to account modifications on windows domains and is restricted to include logs only from windows log source types. Further, the investigation will capture events to supplement control PMC7.5 [Alert B] to report any account 'locked-out' activities.


PMC7.2 - Direct

Event Manager


Audit: Account Modified

GPG-13: Servers And Workstations

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