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Vpxa Messages 1

Vendor Documentation


Rule Name

Rule Type

Common Event

Vpxa MessagesBase RuleGeneral Service InformationInformation
Unable To Open ObjectSub RuleNo Such File Or DirectoryError
RecordOp AssignSub RuleRecordOp AssignInformation
HTTP ResponseSub RuleHTTP ResponseInformation
ForkExecSub RuleCommand ExecutedAccess Success
Applying UpdatesSub RuleApplying UpdatesInformation
SoapAdapter : HTTP ResponseSub RuleHTTP ResponseInformation
RecordOp Assign : Property ProviderSub RuleRecordOp AssignInformation
Received Callback In WaitForUpSub RuleReceived Call BackInformation
Prepare Host ChangesSub RuleVpxaMoService MessageInformation
Get Vpxa Managed Object ReferenceSub RuleObject AccessedAccess Success
Get ChangesSub RuleVpxaMoService MessageInformation
Prepare VM ChangesSub RuleVpxaMoService MessageInformation
Prepare Stats ChangesSub RuleVmware Esx Informational MessageInformation
Prepare ChangesSub RuleVpxaDatastore MessageInformation
Apply Diff To HostdSub RuleGeneral Operations EventOther Operations
Fetch Child Resource SpecSub RuleObject AccessedAccess Success
Need Full SyncSub RuleGeneral Synchronization InformationInformation
Override Tree On HostdSub RuleVmTreeNode::Equal MessageInformation
Process OpsSub RuleGeneral Operations EventOther Operations
Process Resource NotificationSub RuleGeneral Process InformationInformation
Hostd SpecSyncSub RuleVmware Esx Informational MessageInformation
Check EnvBrowser ChangesSub RuleGeneral Environmentbrowser InformationInformation
Handle VM ChangesSub RuleObject ModifiedAccess Success
Rearrange LayoutExSub RuleVmware Esx Informational MessageInformation
SoapAdapter : User Agent NoticeSub RuleVmware Esx Informational MessageInformation
Process UpdateSub RuleUpdate RunningInformation
Host ChangedSub RuleHost Information ChangedInformation
Loaded DataSub RuleVpxaDatastore MessageInformation
Getting Datastore ListSub RuleVpxaDatastore MessageInformation
Resolved URLSub RuleResolved Local PathOther Audit Success
Rearrange LayoutSub RuleGeneral Service State InformationInformation
Resolved Local PathSub RuleResolved Local PathOther Audit Success
Prepare Drs ChangesSub RuleVmware Esx Informational MessageInformation
Dvs SyncSub RuleSync CompletedInformation
VM Space RefreshSub RuleSpace InformationInformation

Mapping with LogRhythm Schema

Device Key in Log MessageLogRhythm SchemaData TypeSchema Description
N/A<severity>Number/Text/String Severity information
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