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V 2.0 : Cylance Protect : Audit Event

Vendor Documentation


Rule Name

Rule Type

Common Event

V 2.0: Cylance Protect: Audit EventBase RuleGeneral Auditing MessageOther Audit
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: Agent UpdatedSub RuleSoftware UpdatedConfiguration
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: App AddedSub RuleObject AddedAccess Success
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: App ModifiedSub RuleObject ModifiedAccess Success
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: App RemovedSub RuleObject Deleted/RemovedAccess Success
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: Cert AddedSub RuleObject AddedAccess Success
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: Cert DeletedSub RuleObject Deleted/RemovedAccess Success
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: Cert ModifiedSub RuleObject ModifiedAccess Success
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: Cert Added To Safe ListSub RuleConfiguration Modified: SecurityConfiguration
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: Cert Rem. From Safe ListSub RuleConfiguration Modified: SecurityConfiguration
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: Custom Auth DisabledSub RuleConfiguration Modified: SecurityConfiguration
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: Custom Auth SavedSub RuleConfiguration Modified: SecurityConfiguration
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: Device AddedSub RuleObject AddedAccess Success
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: Device ModifiedSub RuleObject ModifiedAccess Success
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: Device RemovedSub RuleObject Deleted/RemovedAccess Success
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: Support Login ModifiedSub RuleConfiguration Modified: SecurityConfiguration
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: File Added To Global LisSub RuleConfiguration Modified: SecurityConfiguration
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: File Rem. From Global LiSub RuleConfiguration Modified: SecurityConfiguration
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: User Logon FailureSub RuleUser Logon FailureAuthentication Failure
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: User Logon SuccessSub RuleUser LogonAuthentication Success
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: Policy AddedSub RuleObject AddedAccess Success
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: Policy ModifiedSub RuleObject ModifiedAccess Success
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: Policy RemovedSub RuleObject Deleted/RemovedAccess Success
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: File Added To Safe ListSub RuleConfiguration Modified: SecurityConfiguration
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: File Rem. From Safe ListSub RuleConfiguration Modified: SecurityConfiguration
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: Script Added To Safe LisSub RuleConfiguration Modified: SecurityConfiguration
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: Script Rem. From Safe LiSub RuleConfiguration Modified: SecurityConfiguration
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: Syslog DisabledSub RuleConfiguration Modified: SecurityConfiguration
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: Syslog Settings ModifiedSub RuleConfiguration Modified: SecurityConfiguration
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: File Added To QuarantineSub RuleConfiguration Modified: SecurityConfiguration
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: User Quarantined FileSub RuleQuarantined MessageFailed Activity
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: File Added To Safe ListSub RuleConfiguration Modified: SecurityConfiguration
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: User Waived File ThreatSub RuleGeneral SecurityOther Security
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: User Account CreatedSub RuleUser Account CreatedAccount Created
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: User Account ModifiedSub RuleUser Account Attribute ModifiedAccount Modified
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: User Account RemovedSub RuleUser Account DeletedAccount Deleted
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: Zone AddedSub RuleObject AddedAccess Success
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: Device Added To ZoneSub RuleConfiguration Modified: SecurityConfiguration
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: Zone ModifiedSub RuleObject ModifiedAccess Success
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: Zone RemovedSub RuleObject Deleted/RemovedAccess Success
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: Device Removed From ZoneSub RuleConfiguration Modified: SecurityConfiguration
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: Zone Rule AddedSub RuleObject AddedAccess Success
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: Zone Rule ModifiedSub RuleObject ModifiedAccess Success
V 2.0: Cylance Protect: Zone Rule RemovedSub RuleObject Deleted/RemovedAccess Success

Mapping with LogRhythm Schema

Device Key in Log MessageLogRhythm SchemaData TypeSchema Description
N/AN/AN/ADevice Product
Event Type<vmid>Text/StringN/A
Event Name<action>, <tag1>Text/StringPossible Values: AuditLog, AcceptEula, AgentUpdate, ApplicationAdd, ApplicationEdit (User updated the Custom Application name), ApplicationEdit (User changed the permissions for a Custom Application), ApplicationEdit (User regenerated the credentials for the Custom Application), ApplicationRemove, CertificateRepositoryAddItem, CertificateRepositoryDeleteItem, CertificateRepositoryEditItem, CertificateSafelistAddItem, CertificateSafelistDeleteItem, CustomAuthenticationDisable, CustomAuthenticationSave, DeleteAllQuarantinedFiles, DeleteTokenThreatDataReport, DeviceAdd, DeviceEdit, DeviceRemove, DownloadThreatDataReport, GenerateTokenThreatDataReport, GhostLoginSettingChange, GlobalListAdd, GlobalListRemove, InstallationTokenDelete, InstallationTokenRegenerate, InvitationUrlGenerate, LoginFailure, LoginSuccess, NightlyThreatDataReportChange, PolicyAdd, PolicyEdit, PolicyRemove, PolicySafeListAdd, PolicySafeListRemove, RequestToGenerateThreatDataReport, ScriptControlExclusionListAdd, ScriptControlExclusionListRemove, SyslogDisable, SyslogSettingSave, ThreatGlobalQuarantine, ThreatQuarantine, ThreatSafeList, ThreatWaive, UninstallAgentPasswordSave, UninstallAgentRequirePasswordDisable, UserAdd, UserEdit, UserRemove, ZoneAdd, ZoneAddDevice, ZoneEdit, ZoneRemove, ZoneRemoveDevice, ZoneRuleAdd, ZoneRuleEdit, and ZoneRuleRemove.

The message contains information related to the action.

Example: When a file is added to the Global Quarantine List, the message might include the file hash and the reason given for adding it to the Global List.

Added to<subject>Text/StringN/A
User<domainorigin>, <login>Text/StringThe user who logged in and triggered this audit log event.
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