Syslog Fortinet FortiGate - V 2.0 : Event : System
Vendor Documentation
Rule Name | Rule Type | Common Event | Classification |
V 2.0: Event: System | Base Rule | General System Message | Information |
V 2.0: Event Mail Sent Fail | Sub Rule | General Failed Activity | Failed Activity |
V 2.0: Event Reportd Report Success | Sub Rule | Report Generation | Information |
V 2.0: Event Reportd Report Failure | Sub Rule | Report Deleted | Information |
V 2.0: Event Session Clash | Sub Rule | Session Information | Information |
V 2.0: Event VWL Volume Status | Sub Rule | WAN Module Info Msg | Information |
V 2.0: Event DHCP Ack | Sub Rule | DHCP ACK | Network Traffic |
V 2.0: Event DHCP Stat | Sub Rule | General DHCPServer Information | Information |
V 2.0: Event DHCP Client Lease | Sub Rule | DHCP Lease Obtained | Information |
V 2.0: Event Auth Snmp Query Failed | Sub Rule | General Failed Activity | Failed Activity |
V 2.0: Event Admin Login Succ | Sub Rule | User Logon | Authentication Success |
V 2.0: Event Admin Login Fail | Sub Rule | User Logon Failure | Authentication Failure |
V 2.0: Event Admin Login Logout | Sub Rule | Logout Request | Information |
V 2.0: Event Log Roll | Sub Rule | General Disk Information | Information |
V 2.0: Event Admin Login Disable | Sub Rule | Account Disabled | Access Revoked |
V 2.0: Event Log Del Dir | Sub Rule | Object Deleted/Removed | Access Success |
V 2.0: Event Log Del File | Sub Rule | Object Deleted/Removed | Access Success |
V 2.0: Event Log Roll Forticron | Sub Rule | Rotation Information | Information |
V 2.0: Event Report Deleted | Sub Rule | Object Deleted/Removed | Access Success |
V 2.0: Event Report Deleted GUI | Sub Rule | Object Deleted/Removed | Access Success |
V 2.0: Event Backup Conf By Scp | Sub Rule | Backup Completed | Information |
V 2.0: Event Conf Chg | Sub Rule | Configuration Modified: System | Configuration |
V 2.0: Event Sys Perf | Sub Rule | General Performance Statistics | Information |
V 2.0: Event Upd Fgt Succ | Sub Rule | Update Successful | Information |
V 2.0: Event Upd Fsa Virdb | Sub Rule | Database Update Event | Information |
V 2.0: Event Nac Quarantine | Sub Rule | Quarantine | Activity |
V 2.0: Event Delete Object | Sub Rule | Object Deleted/Removed | Access Success |
V 2.0: Event Config Attr | Sub Rule | Object Added | Access Success |
V 2.0: Event Add Object Attribute | Sub Rule | Object Modified | Access Success |
V 2.0: Event DSSCC Exec | Sub Rule | General Policy Compliance Information | Other Audit |
V 2.0: Event Ext Remote | Sub Rule | General Error | Error |
Mapping with LogRhythm Schema
Device Key in Log Message | LogRhythm Schema | Data Type | Schema Description |
date | N/A | N/A | The date of the log event. |
time | N/A | N/A | The time of the log event. |
logid | <vmid> | Number | A unique identifier for the log event. |
type | <vendorinfo> | Text/String | The type of log event. In this case, it is an event. |
subtype | N/A | N/A | The subtype of the log event. In this case, it is a system event. |
level | <severity> | Text/String | The severity level of the log event. In this case, it is an information. |
vd | <sessiontype> | Text/String | The vdom in which the log event occurred. |
eventtime | N/A | N/A | The time at which the log event occurred. |
logdesc | N/A | N/A | The description of the log event. |
sn | <serialnumber> | Number | The serial number of the log event. |
user | <login> | Text/String | The user who logged in. |
ui | N/A | N/A | The user interface that was used to log in. In this case, it was SSH from the IP address |
method | N/A | N/A | The method that was used to log in. In this case, it was SSH. |
srcip | <sip> | IP Address | The source IP address of the log event. |
dstip | <dip> | IP Address | The destination IP address of the log event. |
action | <action> | Text/String | The action that was taken. In this case, it was a login. |
status | <status> | Text/String | The status of the log event. In this case, it was a success. |
reason | <reason> | Text/String | The reason for the log event. In this case, there was no reason. |
profile | N/A | N/A | The profile of the user who logged in. In this case, it was the super_admin profile. |
cfgattr | <result> | Text/String | N/A |
msg | <subject> | Text/String | The message associated with the log event. |