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Pattern 10 : PIX General Authentication


Rule NameRule TypeCommon EventClassification
Pattern 10 : PIX General AuthenticationBase RuleGeneral Firewall LogNetwork Traffic
PIX-X-605003 : HTTP Login FailedSub RuleUser Logon FailureAuthentication Failure
PIX-X-315011 : SSH Session DisconnectedSub RuleSSH Session ClosedOther Operations
PIX-X-315003 : SSH Session FailedSub RuleTraffic Denied by Network FirewallNetwork Deny
PIX-X-315002 : SSH Session PermittedSub RuleTraffic Allowed by Network FirewallNetwork Allow
PIX-X-113016 : AAA Credentials RejectedSub RuleUser Logon FailureAuthentication Failure
PIX-X-113014 : AAA Auth Server UnavailableSub RuleUnable to Communicate With Authentication ServerError
PIX-X-113005 : AAA User Authentication FailureSub RuleUser Logon FailureAuthentication Failure
PIX-X-113004 : AAA Operation CompleteSub RuleAuthentication ActivityAuthentication Success
PIX-X-109027 : Response Validation FailedSub RuleFailed Response ValidationError

Mapping with LogRhythm Schema  

Device Key in Log MessageLogRhythm SchemaData Type

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