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EVID 430002/430003: Connection event


Rule Name

Rule Type

Common Event


EVID 430002/430003: Connection eventBase RuleConnection InformationInformation

Mapping with LogRhythm Schema

Device Key in Log Message

LogRhythm Schema

Data Type

N/A <vmid>Number
AccessControlRuleAction <action>Text/String
AccessControlRuleReason <objecttype>Text/String
SrcIP <sip>Number
DstIP <dip>Number
SrcPort <sport>Number
DstPort <dport>Number
Protocol <protname>Text/String
IngressInterface <sinterface>Text/String
EgressInterface <dinterface>Text/String
ACPolicy <policy>Text/String
AccessControlRuleName <reason>Text/String
User <login>Text/String
N/A <useragent>Text/String
IPSCount <quantity>Number
InitiatorPackets <packetsout>Number
ResponderPackets <packetsin>Number
InitiatorBytes <bytesout>Number
ResponderBytes <bytesin>Number
N/A <url>Text/String
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