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ASA-7-713906 : Proposal Information


Rule NameRule TypeCommon EventClassification
ASA-7-713906 : Proposal InformationBase RuleGeneral InformationInformation
All SA Proposals Found UnacceptableSub RuleProposal RefusedWarning
IKE MM TerminatingSub RuleTerminating TunnelInformation
Loading All IPSEC SAsSub RuleIPSec Information MessageInformation
Oakley Begin Quick ModeSub RuleGeneral Oakley InformationInformation
Oakley Constructing Final Quick ModeSub RuleGeneral Oakley InformationInformation
Oakley Constructing Quick ModeSub RuleGeneral Oakley InformationInformation
Processing DeleteSub RuleSecure Tunnel DeletedInformation
Sending Delete/Delete With Reason MessageSub RuleSecure Tunnel DeletedInformation
Transmitting Proxy IdSub RuleGeneral Proxy SuccessInformation
Unit Starts Phase 2 Rekey With Remote PeerSub RuleRekey ReceivedInformation
Unit Receives Delete Event For Remote PeerSub RuleObject Deleted/RemovedAccess Success
Could Not Find Centry For IPSec SA DeleteSub RuleIPSec Delete Message SentWarning

Mapping with LogRhythm Schema  

Device Key in Log MessageLogRhythm SchemaData Type
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