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Administer a LogRhythm High Availability Deployment

LogRhythm High Availability is designed to help protect against downtime caused by planned or unplanned outages. It uses host-based replication technologies and constant monitoring of critical components and services.

The LogRhythm HA solution leverages SIOS products to deliver failover and data replication capabilities that are collectively called the SIOS Protection Suite (SPS). Combined with SIOS products, the LogRhythm HA solution can deliver superior uptime and flexibility to ensure that you are able to meet the constant demands of your enterprise.

This guide covers common tasks required to manage the LogRhythm High Availability (HA) Solution for both new and existing LogRhythm installations including:

  • High Availability Overview
  • Physical Configuration
  • Logical Configuration
  • Platform Updates
  • LogRhythm Software Updates

Definition of High Availability Terms and Concepts

ClusterA grouping of two or more networked servers or nodes
Communications PathPhysical connections between clustered servers
Data ReplicationSoftware-based mirroring between servers via TCP/IP

The process of bringing a resource In Service when the active server or resource fails. This occurs when a node or resource failure is detected. It is also referred to as an unplanned outage

HeartbeatThe periodic message sent between servers to indicate the server health status
Host IP AddressThe IP Address that is persistent to a physical system
Host NameThe logical name that is persistent to a physical system or node
In Service

The state of a resource hierarchy when it is active on a cluster node. When a resource is In Service, it is in an Active state

Local Recovery

Occurs when a resource failure is detected. The process involves restarting one or more resources locally and typically takes less time to recover than failover between nodes

Nodelinked computer system that cooperates collectively with other parts of a cluster
Out of Service

The state of a resource hierarchy when it is not active on a node of the cluster. When a resource is Out of Service, it is in a Standby or Failed State

ResourceA system asset to be protected
Resource HierarchyA set of resources that are ordered in a way that models an application’s requirements
Shared IP AddressThe logical IP Address used by protected services that can move between nodes in a cluster
Shared NameThe logical name used by protected services that can move between nodes in a cluster

A process that takes a resource or resource hierarchy Out of Service in an orderly manner and brings them In Service on a backup system. Also referred to as a planned outage


Logical Volumes are partitions defined in Windows Disk Management. Depending on the appliance, they may be logical or physical volumes

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