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Administrator permissions are required to access this feature.

Roles define different levels of access permissions within the system. Two standard roles are available to assign:

AdministratorCan manage the system, view dashboards, and search logs.
AnalystCan view dashboards and search logs.

Custom roles are not currently available.

To view the Roles page:

  1. In the lower-left corner of the main screen, click the Administration cog icon.
    The Administration menu appears on the left side. 
  2. Under Access Control, click Roles.
    The Roles page appears.

Roles Table

The Roles table shows the following information for each role:

NameThe role name.

The type of role. 

Currently, only default system roles are available. 

UsersThe total count of users assigned to the role.
DescriptionA description of what functions the role allows a user to perform.

Role Assignment

The Administrator assigns a role when creating a user account. For more information, see Create a User Account.

The Administrator can also change the role assignment for an existing user. For more information, see Change Role Assignment.

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