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Edit Lists

Only Administrators can take this action.

Once a list has been uploaded, the name and description of the list can be edited.

The contents of a list cannot be edited without uploading a new CSV file.

To edit an existing list:

  1. Click the Administration cog icon in the lower-left corner.
  2. Click Lists under the Administration header.
    The Lists window appears.
  3. Click the three-dot menu to the left of the list you wish to edit.
  4. Click Edit List.
    The Edit List window appears.
  5. On the Attributes tab, make changes to the List Name and Description as desired.

    Steps 6-9 are optional, and outline the process of uploading a new file to replace the contents of the list. If the contents of the list do not need to be replaced, skip to step 10.

  6. Click the List Contents tab to view a preview of the current list.
  7. To replace the contents of the current list with a new file, click Upload New File.
    The file explorer appears.
  8. Select a comma-separated values (CSV) file to upload and replace the list contents.

    Changing the Data Type for an existing list is not currently supported. The new CSV file must contain the same data type as the previously uploaded content.

    Axon supports lists of up to 65,000 items. Any records in excess of 65,000 will not be imported.

  9. On the Additional Information Needed window, specify whether the first row of the CSV file is a column title by clicking Yes or No.
    A preview of the new list appears.
  10. Click Save.
    The list is updated successfully.

    A list can also be edited by clicking the Actions drop-down on any list's details page, and selecting Edit List.

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