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Date and Time Picker

The date and time picker allows you to determine the time period for which search and dashboard results display. By default, searches and the dashboard show results for the last 24 hours.

To adjust the date and time period for which searches and the dashboard display results, click the calendar icon, and choose from the following options:

Tab or ButtonDescription and Options
Quick Pick

This tab allows you to pick from a wide range of commonly used time selections, with ranges that cover minutes, hours, days, and months.

Some examples include results for the Last 24 hours, This day so far, This week so far, This year so far, and the Last 12 months.

In the Last

This tab allows you to select to display results for any number of seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, or years between 1 and 999.

For example, to see data from the last 64 hours, type in the number 64 and select Hours from the drop-list.

Values greater than 999 cause an error and cannot be saved.

Custom Range

This tab allows you to create a custom time and date range for which to display results.

Click the Start Date calendar icon and use the date picker to choose the date from which to begin displaying results, and then click the Start Time clock icon and enter the time on that date from which to start displaying results.

Selecting a Start Date or Start Time in the future causes an error, and cannot be saved.

To choose the end date and time, repeat the above step with the End Date and End Time pickers.

Enter the time in the format HH:MM AM or HH:MM PM. Variations from this format cannot be saved.

ClearClick to remove any custom filter you've applied and revert to the default of Last 24 hours.
CancelClick to close the date and time picker without applying any changes.
Click to apply your selected custom date and time range to the search or dashboard. The updated date and time is reflected next to the calendar icon.
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